
Pumping & Feeding Schedule for Working MoMs

Once the babies are here I will stay home for about 8-10 weeks, and then go back to the office 2 days a week.  I want to give breast milk as much as possible, but I know that may be unrealistic for every feeding, especially on the days I'm working.

Basically I'm looking for a schedule of when to BF, what times to pump (at work and/or at home), what times to give breast milk in a bottle, and what times to give formula.  Does that make sense?

Is this something that my pedi can go over with me in detail?  My fear is thinking that I may have to figure it out on my own after they are here.

Thanks ladies!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Congratulations to my girl AmberZ! So happy for you!

Re: Pumping & Feeding Schedule for Working MoMs

  • I haven't started back to work yet, but basically I'll be pumping as close to their feeding times as possible.  I think my babies will be eating every four hours, so I'll feed them before work at 6:30 a.m. (my DH will drop them off at child care).  They'll eat around 10:30 and 2:30 at their child care center and I'll pump as close to those times as I can (producing the bottles for the next day), and then I'll feed them at home at 6:30 p.m.  I may pump again before I go to bed to build up a better back-up supply.  Again, I haven't done it yet, so we'll see how it goes. 

    I've also heard pumping an hour after feeding at home before you go back to work can help you build up a supply and increase what you pump once you're doing it at work.

  • imageCER+MEL:

    I haven't started back to work yet, but basically I'll be pumping as close to their feeding times as possible.  I think my babies will be eating every four hours, so I'll feed them before work at 6:30 a.m. (my DH will drop them off at child care).  They'll eat around 10:30 and 2:30 at their child care center and I'll pump as close to those times as I can (producing the bottles for the next day), and then I'll feed them at home at 6:30 p.m.  I may pump again before I go to bed to build up a better back-up supply.  Again, I haven't done it yet, so we'll see how it goes. 

    I've also heard pumping an hour after feeding at home before you go back to work can help you build up a supply and increase what you pump once you're doing it at work.

    Thank you!  Are you able to produce enough so that you don't have to give formula at all?

    And this might be a stupid question, but once you pump, do you put the milk in the fridge if you plan to give it the next day?  Or should it all be frozen?

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Congratulations to my girl AmberZ! So happy for you!
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  • No need to freeze the milk. BM is good up to 5 days in the fridge. Good luck!
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