Trouble TTC

New and looking for advice

Hi there. I'm new to posting on the bump, but I have been lurking a while looking for advice/explanations.

Here's my story. DH and I have been together 8 years, married 11 months and TTC for 10 months. I went off BCP (after 7 years) asap after the wedding and since then my cycles have been getting longer and longer and longer. This one is 90 plus days and counting.

I've done all the healthy things, like quitting alcohol and caffiene, getting tonnes of sleep and trying to stay positive. My weight is in the right BMI factor. DH is avoiding hot tubs and the like, but it's not getting us anywhere. It's definitely not for a lack of trying.

There have been countless times that I've convinced myself that I must be preggers only to have a false at home test. I'm a little worried about what my GP will say when I go to see her so I've been putting it off.

To top it all off it seems like everyone around us(neighbours, coworkers and family) is pregnant or just gave birth. 

I'm getting very discouraged and looking for any advice. Has anyone else gone off BCP and had very long cycles? My cycles pre-BCP were regular almost to the hour.

Re: New and looking for advice

  • If your cycle has gone past 90 days, please see a GYN. They shouldn't be *that* long and they can give you provera to start a new cycle. This is a very normal request and the GYN won't be bothered by the visit at all. When you go in to jump start your next cycle, you can also ask about your long cycles. Since you've been TTC for 10 months, it would be reasonable to ask about what your gyn recommends if your reach your one year mark. (I wouldn't make an appointment at 10 months just for that- but if you're in there for provera anyway, might as well!)

    Long cycles are fairly common but if they're a regular occurrence may be a sign of PCOS which can (not doesn't always) make it more difficult to get pregnant. It's perfectly normal for it to take up to a year before getting pregnant. None of which helps with the frustration.

    Friends for 15 years. Married 8. TTC since January 2009
    2010 Diagnosis: Anovulation and Severe MFI
    2011 Treatment:
    IVF w/ICSI #1 Antagonist: 2 blasts - c/p - BFN 04.22
    FET #1: 1 blast/1 early blast - BFP 06.22 - m/c 06.30 @6w0d
    07-11 RPL: MTHFR C677T Heterozygous & Slightly elevated ACLA IgM
    FET #2: 1 morula - BFN: 9.02

    January '12: IVF #2
    Started BCP and Metformin (New!) 12-14 for stimming in January

    Dum spiro, spero.
    ?SAIF/PAIF/PgAL/PAL always welcome?
  • imageecleptic:

    If your cycle has gone past 90 days, please see a GYN. They shouldn't be *that* long and they can give you provera to start a new cycle.

    Agreed.  I would skip the visit to your GP and head to your OB/GYN.  The rule of thumb is if your cycle reaches 60 days to call.  Also, like pp said it can take a perfectly healthy couple a year or more to conceive. 

    Have you been charting?  Do you know if you're actually ovulating?

    Good luck!

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  • I also recommend making an appt with your OBGYN.  Also, check out  Charting is very helpful and gets you in tune with your body and cycles.  You can see when/if you're ovulating and how long your LP is.  If you get to the year mark of trying with no success, then your dr might ask if you've been charting, so I recommend starting now, if you aren't already.  Good luck.
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  • Thank you everyone. I wasn't sure how long was too long for a cycle since mine used to be so regular. I will definitely be calling my GP today. I haven't actually got a GYN. My GP does all the usual annual testing for me.

    As for charting I haven't been. I've thought about starting it this cycle but it seemed silly to start in the middle of a cycle. Like I might be missing something important that happened earlier. But I will start now.

  • MisNMisN member
    Hello and welcome.  I don't have much to add given the responses above but just wanted to say hi and good luck since we are neighbours;)
  • imagemelNkevswedding:

    As for charting I haven't been. I've thought about starting it this cycle but it seemed silly to start in the middle of a cycle. Like I might be missing something important that happened earlier. But I will start now.

    I started in the middle of a cycle when I was first charting.  It gave me practice and got me in the habit of temping every morning before I was doing it for a "real" cycle.  Good luck to you!

    TTC #1 since 4/09 w/ MFI
    IVF #1, 7/10: Cancelled due to dominant follicle; IVF #2, 9/10: c/p; FET #1, 11/10: c/p; IVF #3, 4/11: BFN; FET #2, 6/11: BFP! Beta #1 = 118 (11dp2dt), Beta #2 = 1975 (16dp2dt)
    DS born 2/17/12

    TTC #2
    IVF #4, 11/13: BFN; IVF #5, 3/14: BFP! Beta #1 = 59 (11dp2dt), Beta #2 = 406 (15dp2dt)
    EDD 12/19/14

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • ::lurker butting in::  IMHO, I would also make sure your docs test your hormone levels (prolactin, TSH, FSH, etc.) to make sure nothing else is going on.  My first cycle off the pill was 84 days.  I have been diagnosed with a pituitary gland dysfunction affecting ovulation.  This would have been missed if they simply just gave me something to "jump start" AF.


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