So I had my first RE appt today and I am very happy with our choice of doctor. He was really great, we came up with a plan right away and then he decided to do an ultrasound just to see what was going on.
He was looking to see if my lining was more than 8, if it was he said he would have to do a biopsy. The good news is my lining was 3.2 and the bad news is that he said I had a lot of cysts on my ovaries. Said they were not typical PCOS ovaries and looked as if I had taken fertility meds, which I haven't. ( the only drugs I have been taking are Metformin and prenatal vitamins) So now I get to do a 10 day Provera cycles, a month of bc and have an ultrasound 2 weeks into the bc. oh and we are increasing my met from 500mg to 2000mg!
He assured me that he thinks the cysts are benign but would like me to see a different Dr. for followup. The plan is that the bc will shrink the cysts because as he says,"Bad things don't shrink".
Has anyone else had any experience with ovarian cysts that are not "typical PCOS"??? I would really appreciate any input.
Re: Had 1st RE appt today!