Anyone taken Tamoxifen (instead of Clomid)??
I had my official infertility follow-up today. The husband had been reassuring me since I was kinda freaking out that our insurance wouldn't let us go to a RE (it's a super long story that ends with them being completely sleezy), so I was nervous. I wasn't sure if she would listen to me or give me some random dx that wouldn't explain the symptoms I've been having for years. Even after some Google research revealed she had completed a reproductive specialty fellowship, I was still nervous. But, I think I'm doing better. She really listened to me today and went over my charts before and during my visit. After I would mention a concern, she would confirm that it was all related to the dx (weight gain, spotting, slow temp rise..)
But, here's the thing. I'm to start Tamoxifen instead of Clomid next month. She explained her decision. She said in her experience, she's seen fewer multiple births and ovarian cysts on Tamoxifen. Also, she said that with my history of thin uterine lining and little cervical mucus, she's worried Clomid won't be a good fit for me (One thing about this dr. She's VERY into cervical mucus).
My sister had a similar diagnosis and got pg on her second cycle of Clomid, so that's what I was expecting. But, it seems that there is so little internet info on Tamoxifen (lots on the breast cancer tx, but not as much on infertility tx). My SIL took it after two failed months of Clomid, and it was successful, but she said it made her "psychotic." So, I'm wondering, have any of you ladies taken Tamoxifen as a Clomid alternative? If so, any bad side effects? I've been warned about the hot flashes, but I'm nervous about others? Was it successful?
Sorry for the long post...I get wordy when I'm nervous . Thanks so much for your input. I'm a newbie, but everyone is so helpful- I think I'm already in love with the Bump!!
Re: Tamoxifen?