Has anyone ever used one of those ask a medical doctor sites? I've typed my question into JustAnswer.com and then the site asked about payment?! They want $30 to answer my question!
How about someone just tell me to stop?! I'm feeling a little out of control...
How's everyone's Sunday?
Me - 40, DH 34 Married 11 years, TTC since 7/09 3 rounds of Clomid > Vivienne born 5/28/11
TTC#2 since 01/13 - 3 rounds of Clomid, 2 IUI w/injectibles, moving to IVF
IVF #1 - Lupron 20 6/19, Follistim 225 6/21, Menopur 75 6/27, Trigger 6/30
ER 7/2 (8R, 7M, 5F); ET 7/5 - 2 8 cell, grade 1 and 1 7 cell, grade 1 Stick babies, stick!
BFP on HPT at 11dp3dt
Beta #1 13dp3dt 787
Beta #2 17dp3dt 6,007
1st u/s 5w2d showing one "good" sac and 2-3 questionable
2nd u/s 6w2d showing one baby with HR 128bpm
3rd u/s 7w1d - HR 159bpm - graduated from RE!
MaternT21 test results: no chromosomal issues, it's a BOY!!!
EDD March 25, 2014
Re: JustAnswer.com - ask a doctor?
Omg, stop. $30 to answer a question? that's crazy.
Thanks! I needed that!
BTW, where's your gif from? The table one?
NP, I can't believe they charge $30 to answer a question. That's crazy considering they don't know any of your medical history and a copay to see a real Dr is about the same.
I found that gif on SenorGIF.com they have some good ones but I could I couldn't stop laughing at the one in my siggy.