Trouble TTC

First positive OPK ever and DH has a fever.

This morning I got my first positive OPK ever.  Yay me!  However, last night and this morning DH also had the first fever I've ever known him to have.  It was about 101 for less than 24 hours.  Does anyone know if/how much a fever affects sperm?  His are normally in great shape. 

Re: First positive OPK ever and DH has a fever.

  • I'm not sure how much of an effect the fever will have on his swimmers, but I say do it anyway!  You would hate to have missed this window of opportunity.  Just try not to kiss so you don't get sick too!  Ever seen Pretty Woman?  Do everything but kiss on the lips!
  • HelsHels member

    Umm...jump him! :)

    The fever might not be so good for his swimmers in like 3 months. The this batch is all good! 

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  • imageKatieD2:
    I'm not sure how much of an effect the fever will have on his swimmers, but I say do it anyway!  You would hate to have missed this window of opportunity.  Just try not to kiss so you don't get sick too!  Ever seen Pretty Woman?  Do everything but kiss on the lips!

    Thats really funny! Good luck!

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