Austin Babies

First word! First word!

Ali's always been a jabberer and has been saying things that sound like words (dada, mama, mom, bubble, etc.) for months and months. But she hadn't connected them to their meanings yet.

In the last month, she's started to understand words. She can point to her bear when asked, and her books, and her water, etc. But she wasn't vocalizing those words herself.

But this morning, after she finished nursing, she sat up, pointed to her stack of books, and said "book"!!! I mean, obviously it wasn't exactly enunciated was more like "buh"...but STILL!! OMG Y'ALL!!

You'd better believe this English-teacher-turned-editor mommy's heart just about burst with joy!!! ;D;D;D;D;D 
Dear Bump: You suck.

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