
Made it to 12 mo!

We did it! I'm now planning to drop from 4 feedings down to 2 (morning and night) and will keep doing 2 until he or I tire of it. Even with early hurdles (no bfing until 16 days due to NICU time, nipple shield, mastitis) and then supply issues around 6 mo when returning to work, we made it all the way here with needing only 2 bottles of formula which were over the course of a 5 day vacation I took with DH leaving DS with the grandparents.

I want to say that I didn't actually find bfing that much of a bonding experience early on like many talk about it. It was hard to master, messy, and a chore that had to be done SO often in the first few months. But as he got older, I think of it as SUCH a bonding time! We stare at each other, hold/shake hands, and play games like my hair/peekaboo even while bfing. Hang in there and GL ladies!

Re: Made it to 12 mo!

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