Trouble TTC

Who has had fibroids removed? (long)

I'm supposed to have a D&C to remove a fibroid discovered during my HSG.  I'm currently in the process of switching to a new OB so I don't have anything scheduled, but have some questions for you.

1. Is there any particular timing in your cycle to do the D&C?  My former OB had mine scheduled on CD1 back in June, which seemed weird to me. 

2. Whatever cycle I do this in has to be a rest cycle, right?  Even if it's early in the cycle, there's a waiting period for sex, I'm assuming?

3. I'm told that all REs would remove a fibroid, which seems to hold true based on how many people have this in their signatures, but do you think it really helps anything?  I don't know...we're fighting MFI so I'm a little doubtful that this will do much.  I'm having it done regardless, but was just curious what you all thought...


Re: Who has had fibroids removed? (long)

  • You can have the surgery at any point in your cycle.  If it's before ovulation then obviously you'll have to prevent pregnancy.

    How long you have to break from TTC depends on how big the fibroid is and how much or your uterine wall is affected.

    If a fibroid is small enough and in a place where it doesn't hinder pregnancy, then it's possible an RE would leave well enough alone.  So everything is on an individual basis.

    Are they going in laparoscopically for yours?  Or can they get it with hysteroscopy?  I've had both; the hysteroscopies were simple.  If you're getting a lap, and you're interested, I can send you details of my experience.

    Good luck!

  • Thanks, sulfa!  I'm having it done by hysteroscopy and not lap, I believe.  I'll be interested to see what my new doctor thinks about it.  The technician told me she didn't see any fibroids, but the radiology report says there's one.  I'm guessing it can't be too big if she missed it completely...but I shouldn't assume things.
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