So, I had my appt with the endocrinologist today. She pretty much confirmed the PCOS diagnosis that my OB had suspected. She has me starting metformin tonight. She has me starting with 1000 MG (500 mg twice a day) then to work my way up and double that.
I am also starting clomid tomorrow. Let's hope this helps!
As much as I hate having something wrong, it is somewhat relieving to have an actual diagnosis now...
Re: PCOS confirmed
Good luck! I am starting a metformin/Actos combo for my PCOS and am a little nervous about the side effects?
Just wondering, is there a reason they don't just give the metformin time to work and hopefully correct the hormonal imbalance? Or does the metformin alone plan really only work for women with IR? (not sure if you are IR). I am just wondering because my endo seems to think that I won't need Clomid and while I like the idea of actually treating my PCOS rather than just circumventing it, in the back of my mind I am wondering if I am wasting time by not doing Clomid right away.
My doctor said the Metformin will also help fertility. I know for some people the Metformin alone helped them conceive. She has me on both along with Provera (which I had just finished) because I had not seen AF since January.
We're in the same boat, you know this.
There are lots of Met alone success stories.
I think you and I are both of the same mind frame that if we fix the underlying issue and it does nothing, then we advance to something else. I don't think that option/theory works for everyone though!
Personally, I want to give my body a shot.
Also, lots of PCOS dont respond to clomid at all.
DS 6.12.11
Hypermenorrhea, Anovulatory & Hypothyroid
My Lack of Ovulation Chart
Some REs recommend you are on Met for 3 months or so before trying Clomid. I guess this is to see if the Met will work, but also I've seen recommendations that Met be taken for a while before starting Clomid (unfortunately, I can't remember where I've seen that before).
To the OP, I'm so sorry you have this diagnosis. IF itself is very frustrating to say the least, but you are right. At least you have a diagnosis. Best of luck to you!
SAIF Always Welcome
Diagnosed with PCOS: 10/03, On BCP to "treat" until: 7/09
Provera to end Cycles 1-9 (anovulatory)
Cycle #4 & 5: Clomid 50 mg FAIL
RE Visit: 2000 mg Metformin
Cycle 6:Forced Break, looking for androgen secreting tumor
Cycle 7:Clomid CD 3-10, 12-17 FAIL
Cycle 8: Clomid CD 3-10, Bravelle CD 12-24 Hyperstimmed
New RE: Put on Byetta, lost 23 lbs
Cycle 9: Financial Break
Cycle 10: Femara CD 3-7, IUI CD 17 BFP on 2/14/11, m/c 3/7/11
Thank you all for the responses!
I am really hoping I do not have any side effects on the Metformin! I am glad to be starting it in the summer, while I am off to get everything sorted out before school begins again.
I took my first pill about an hour side effects yet...haha
Starting the Clomid tomorrow...
I am also going to see a nutritionist who specializes with PCOS related stuff next week...we'll see what she has to say.
I would be interested in hearing what she has to say! I've read that a low GI diet works well for PCOSers.
Oh, I know! I've been reading up on PCOS (again) and am really interested to see which type of PCOSer responded to which treatment. Like, we know met helps with IR and that Clomid isn't a miracle drug. But for those that were successful on met alone, why was that? Was it because they have just the hormonal symptoms of PCOS and not cysts on the ovaries? If you were diagnosed with PCOS because you do have polycystic ovaries, how likely is it that you will respond to Clomid? Is it just a matter of removing or shrinking the cysts?
I guess I am just anxious for the met/actos to work and in my mind it is the best plan for me because I believe my weight and IR is the what is causing my anovulation.
And I'm done rambling now....
after anovulatory diagnosis and TTC for 1 1/2yrs with several medicated cycles and one chemical pregnancy, we have our first bundle of joy!
#2 EDD 2/5/13 dx with anti-BIG E antibody, seeing a MFM
I don't take one single minute for granted.
It took 5 failed IUIs and a failed IVF, but our FET worked!
My pregnancy after Infertility Blog
Our baby girl was born on April 27, 2011!
I went for years without any dr really questioning the fact that I wasn't having a regular cycle. I started 'herbal/natural" supplements and happened to lose my ovary to ovarian torsion. A cyst made it flip. Finally went to a RE and was diagnosed with PCOS. It was a bummer, but at least I was getting somewhere.
I went on Metformin starting at 500 and increasing every couple weeks till I hit 1500mg. It was a little rough on the belly at first. Dr put me on clomid after 3 months of Met. Cylces were still long. She messed with the dose of clomid for a few cycles then introduced the HCG trigger shot and it worked.
She says next time we will start where we left off. I wish you luck and keep your head up. You're on a good path now!!!! YAY