I had lunch with a really good friend. She had a 6 cm cyst removed from her right ovary. They found it during her 20wk u/s when she was pg. It never changed during the rest of her pregnancy so her doc said she needed to have it removed after the baby came because her right ovary probably wasn't working. So when they took it out and looked inside of it, it had hair, muscle, fat, and a TOOTH!

Re: Crazy Cyst Story
My Blog
TTC since 4/09 - Dx PCOS 1/10, HSG: All Clear
4 Failed Clomid cycles of varying degrees
Clomid + Bravelle + Trigger + IUI = BFP!!
Ectopic M/C 9/16/10 ~ Forever in our hearts
BCP+Lupron+Estrogen+DE ET+PIO = BFP!!!
Beta #1: 507 #2: 1561 #3: 4,472 #4: 11,172
BFPBs Sul06, MrsW722 & SnowflakeBride06
GL to Mari2003 and all of the rest of the 3T Ladies
WHAT? They hold stuff? Holy fvck!
b2b Injectable IUI #1 7/25/10 & 7/26/10 = BFP beta 14dpIUI = 133 MC 9/14 at 9 weeks
b2b Injectable IUI #2 12/5/10 & 12/6/10 = BFN
IVF #1 ER 3/28/11 ET 3 embryos 3/31/11= BFN
b2b Injectable IUI#3 6/28/11 & 6/29/11 = BFN
Submitted Adoption Application on 6/1/2011
Homestudy 7/19/2011
IVF#2 CX due to Adoption Match
We were blessed with our daughter through the gift of adoption
IVF #2.1 ET 2 embryos 2/14/13 7 frosties
Yep, sounds like a dermoid cyst. Pretty freaky!!!
IVF #1: 4-11-11= Transferred 1 beautiful blastocyst I named "Nugget"
5 Snowbabies! Beta#1 4/21= BFP! 226; Beta#2 4/25= 944
DS born 12/14/11
Baby #2 FET Nov/Dec 2013
12/13 Beta#1=BFP 349; 12/16 Beta#2=1,089. First ultrasound 12/26. DS#2 born 8/8/14

~~PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome~~
It is completely insane but I had something similar happen to me in my early 20s. I had a cyst removed from my spine and it had hair and bone matter in it. It completely grossed me out.
It sounds like your friends was a little more "developed" than mine but just as crazy.
YES! that is what she told me it was called! I couldn't remember the name!
IVF #1, 7/10: Cancelled due to dominant follicle; IVF #2, 9/10: c/p; FET #1, 11/10: c/p; IVF #3, 4/11: BFN; FET #2, 6/11: BFP! Beta #1 = 118 (11dp2dt), Beta #2 = 1975 (16dp2dt)
DS born 2/17/12
TTC #2
IVF #4, 11/13: BFN; IVF #5, 3/14: BFP! Beta #1 = 59 (11dp2dt), Beta #2 = 406 (15dp2dt)
EDD 12/19/14
That's what they think my cyst is that they've seen every time I've had an ultrasound. Completely freaked me out when they told me what could be in it. My cyst is only about a 2cm cyst though so hopefully it's not too bad...Mine is on my ovary.
It took 44 cycles, just over 3 years, 6 failed IUI's in MI, and 1 round of IVF at CCRM to get our BFP!
Beta #1 (9dp5dt) = 206, Beta #2 (11dp5dt) = 438
1st u/s @ 6w5d = 11/11/11 = ONE little bean! HB 120bpm!
?Our Baby Boy Born June 26th, 2012?