Trouble TTC

Poll: Being together... N3TR

On the radio today they where discussing the meaning of being together and spending time together. One DJ (dude) said that being together doesn't matter what you do as long as you are together. Even grocery shopping or watching TV. The other DJ (chick) said that her man tells her he wants to do something with her she expects a movie or dinner. Said a woman needs that one on one interaction. She said going grocery shopping isn't spending time together.

My question is what do you think?

I always thought that whatever we did as long as we where together it meant we where spending time together. Even when we where dating we went shopping and ran MH errands. I never saw this as an issue, and we always have fun. Maybe because MH is gone so much I appreciate the little things, but I even enjoy sitting on the couch watching TV and each one of us on our laptops. Even that I find as spending time together.  

Re: Poll: Being together... N3TR

  • I agree with you and "the dude". Anytime with MH is wonderful! I love being with him. When were dating my favorite thing to do was spend the weekends on bikes (at the time I lived at the beach). We didn't need to spend a ton of money or plan out the days events, we always enjoy each other's company :)
    June 2010-Lap
    b2b Injectable IUI #1 7/25/10 & 7/26/10 = BFP beta 14dpIUI = 133 MC 9/14 at 9 weeks
    b2b Injectable IUI #2 12/5/10 & 12/6/10 = BFN
    IVF #1 ER 3/28/11 ET 3 embryos 3/31/11= BFN
    b2b Injectable IUI#3 6/28/11 & 6/29/11 = BFN
    PAIF/SAIF Welcome :)

    Submitted Adoption Application on 6/1/2011
    Homestudy 7/19/2011
    IVF#2 CX due to Adoption Match
    We were blessed with our daughter through the gift of adoption
    IVF #2.1 ET 2 embryos 2/14/13 7 frostiesLilypie First Birthday tickers

  • I feel the same as you.  I think DH and I have good quality time together when we are commuting to work, grocery shopping or just hanging out.  I don't think spending time together necessarily means going out on the town.
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  • Our being together time is anytime we are together.  Whether it is grocery shopping, folding laundry or watching tv.  I remember when we were first married, I was running an errand and he wanted to come. I was surprised and he said "where ever you go I go" in a cute loving voice.  Ever since then, I never think twice about it and love the time we spend together doing whatever whenever. 
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  • Our together time can be doing anything, food shopping, watching TV, whatever.

    That being said, I do have many weekends that we were so busy that come Sunday night I feel like I barely spent any time with DH, even though he was right next to me through the craziness.

    Helene (Nova726)'s book recommendations, favorite quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf) Follow Me on Pinterest
  • flyckaflycka member
    Ha Mari, this is an ongoing topic in my house.
    I don't think is a male/female thing, but more love language kind of thing. For me physical touch and interaction is needed for my H being in the same room/house and some talking is spending time together.But then grocery shopping it is for me and not for me.
    So in our house it's more important the "how we do it " than the "what we're doing".

    TTC since 1/2008
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I count anytime DH and I are together as spending time together, including grocery shopping, doing laundry etc.

    When I hear  "lets do something" I think doing something other than our daily routine things.  It could be dinner or a ride down the Cape. 



  • MH and I both count being together as when we are together. In fact, if we are home together and in the same room, then that's together to me :)

    Now, if I can get me a little one, I won't need him to hang out so much! Just kidding!

    IVF #1- BFP- DD 4/8/2011
    FET #1- 3BB and 3B-B
    Beta #1 (4w0d)- 504
    Beta #2 (4w4d)- 4,577
    Beta #3 (6w0d)- 78,399 HB 115 bpm
    U/S #2 7w0d- HB 155 bpm

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

  • imageBBColt78:

    MH and I both count being together as when we are together. In fact, if we are home together and in the same room, then that's together to me :)

    Now, if I can get me a little one, I won't need him to hang out so much! Just kidding!

    I don't even need mine hanging around I just have him go make a deposit so that it can be frozen and hope I get a LO on my own! LMAO!!

  • imagemari2003:

    MH and I both count being together as when we are together. In fact, if we are home together and in the same room, then that's together to me :)

    Now, if I can get me a little one, I won't need him to hang out so much! Just kidding!

    I don't even need mine hanging around I just have him go make a deposit so that it can be frozen and hope I get a LO on my own! LMAO!!

    I totally agree! LMAO!

  • I agree with the anytime you and DH are are spending time with each other. I love to just sit in my spot on the computer and he sits in his chair on his work computer....we may not even talk but we are together. And we'll glance over at each other and smile or blow kisses!!

    So yes, dude DJ is right!

    New to 3T? Check out this website first:

    Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end --Semisonic

    **TTC since 04/09, C/P 02/02/10; 4 weeks, 3 days**
    **Dx: Anovulation, Hypothryroidism, Mild Endo, Pituitary Adenoma (prolactin issues), PAI-1, MFI **

    **7/10: Clomid + TI= BFN**
    **3/2/11: 1st RE appointment**
    **DH= Morph= 2%, Motility= 30%**
    **HSG= All clear!!**
    **3/11: Femara + Pregnyl + TI= BFN**
    **5/17/11: Laparoscopy / hysteroscopy = mild endo**
    **7/11: Novarel + IUI #1= BFN (7mil, 75% motility, 2% morph)**
    **8/11: Femara + Novarel + IUI #2= BFN (11mil, 35% motility, 1% morph)**
    **11/11: Femara + Novarel + IUI #3= BFN (9mil, 2% morph)**
    **Jan 2012: Follistim (75ius) + IUI #4= CANCELLED due to cyst -put on bcp**
    **Feb 2012: Follistim (75ius) + Novarel + IUI #4.2= BFFN (2.5mil, 13% motility, 1% morph)**
    **Mar 2012: Follistim (100ius) + IUI #5= CANCELLED due to 35mm & 14mm cysts**
    **On med break indefinitely...IF Sucks!**

    **Jan 2013: Follistim (100ius) + IUI #5.2= CANCELLED due to high prolactin level, MRI scheduled, pituitary adenoma found, put on Dostinex**
    **Mar 2013: Follistim (100ius) + IUI #5.3= CANCELLED due to uterine polyp, surgery scheduled for polypectomy and D&C**
    **03/22/13: Hysteroscopy, polypectomy and D&C**
    **May 2013: Finally got to start a cycle!!! Follistim (100ius) + IUI #5.4 = BFFN (6mil, 74% motility, 2% morph)** 

    **Jun 2013: Decide to start IVF**
    IVF w/ICSI #1 (Long Lupron Protocol)
    06/26/13: Start BCPs
    07/02/13: HSG #2= all clear
    07/15/13: Start Lupron 10 ius
    07/25/13: Suppression check
    07/28/13: Start stims (225IUs Follistim + 75IUs Menopur) drop to 5 IUs Lupron
    08/01/13: Monitoring: 12 follicles all about 10mm, E2- 313
    08/04/13: Monitoring: 18 follicles (15mm, 13mm, a few 11mm, rest 10mm or below) E2- 1,505
    Start Augmentin- antibiotic prep
    08/06/13: Monitoring: 13 follicles (18mm, 17mm, rest b/w 15mm-16mm!) Ready to trigger!! E2- 2,248
    08/08/13: ER-- 14R, 13M, 10F 
    08/11/13: One fertilized late, we now have 11 embryos!
    08/13/13: 5dt-- 2 blasts (Sheldon and Penny) 3AA and 3BB, none to freeze
    8/23/13: BFFN... Sheldon and Penny didn't stick**

    **8/29/13: Follow up... bad fragmentation issues. Changing protocol to Antagonist for round #2 coming soon! Also started on 81mg Aspirin after getting blood panel done and found out I have PAI-1**

    **Oct 2013: After large cysts, finally starting IVF #2**
    IVF w/ICSI #2 (Antagonist Protocol)
    BCPs started back in Sept due to cysts
    10/27/13: Start stims (225 IUs Gonal-F + 75 IUs Menopur)
    11/03/13 - 11/05/13: Add Ganirelix to the mix
    11/06/13: 3 follicles at 18mm-- Ready to trigger!
    11/08/13: ER-- 17R, 13M, 8F
    11/13/13: 5dt-- 2 blasts (Luke and Leia) 5AB and 4AB, 1 frostie
    11/20/13- 11/23/13: light positives on FRERs and Wondofos
    11/22/13: BFN per RE office (under HCG of 10)
    11/27/13: CP ::sigh::

    *12/03/13: Follow up...great response and quality this time, was given 50% chance of it working, just didn't stick. Great plan for 2014! 

    **Jan 2014: Last IVF of our SRP**
    IVF w/ICSI, freeze all, then FET
    12/27/13: Start BCPs
    01/19/14: Stims (375 IUs Gonal-F + 75 IUs Menopur)

    Congratulations Cutebride!! --TWINS!! Congratulations, Luvie, on your sweet boy! Congrats, Jess! So happy for you ladies! <3<3  
    ~~Also best of luck to Kati, illinigal, and youngin!~~


  • imageroadstar:

    I count anytime DH and I are together as spending time together, including grocery shopping, doing laundry etc.

    When I hear  "lets do something" I think doing something other than our daily routine things.  It could be dinner or a ride down the Cape. 




    This. I think it is important to have a mix of the everyday little things and a nice bit of "special" romance thrown in randomly. Spice it up! And don't wait for DH to plan always. Surprise him yourself and you'll get exactly what you were looking for!

    Annovulation/Amenorrhea/Mild Endo Scarring

    10 Cycles with Femera/Bravelle, even Clomid 1x + Ovidrel + IUI + Crinone = 10 BFNs

    4/2011 Bravelle + Ovidrel + IUI + Crinone + HOPE = 1st BFP EDD 01/21/12

    BabyFruit Ticker


    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. - Teddy Roosevelt
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