Trouble TTC

Maca? Vitex? Clomid? Femara?

I am going to post this in a few different boards to get a range of answers, so I hope no one minds that.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone has taken Maca or vitex and what their input on  it was. Did it help? did you like on better than the other? Also femara vs. clomid? any advice on that? What about royal jelly?

Any other natural herbs you have taken?

I know that you cannot take vitex and fertility meds together, but can you take maca with it?

My Blog

Me:26 PCOS, IR, MTHFR c677t/c677t, arcuate uterus DH:27 4% morphology
11/2006 Married My DH
Started trying on Honeymoon
2009/2009 4 failed clomid cycles, many BFN, PCOS Study
4/2010 5 rounds of femara resulted in BFP!
6/2010 Lost our little poppy.
7/2010 DX: MTHFR C677t/C677t
2/23/2011 Starting first IUI cycle. Follistim and ovidrel. Fingers crossed...
First IUI=BFN Second IUI=BFN
9/2011: IUI 3,4,5,6 BFN
1/2012 New year New plan... First consult for IVF.
4/3/2012 First day of our 1st IVF cycle..
5/16 ER 14R 6M 5F (25+ empty follicles)
5/19 ET 3dt of 2 grade A 8 cell embabies!!! Stick baby stick
8dp3dt BFP! Beta#1 12dp3dt 136, #2 14dpt 336, #3 16dpt 845
6/19/2012 7w HB 131!!! 6/27/2012 8w HB 173
Baby Delaney is scheduled to be induced Jan 30, 2013!!

imageimageimageLilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: Maca? Vitex? Clomid? Femara?

  • I haven't taken maca, vitex, or royal jelly, but I have tried some other things, which didn't work, so now I'm relying solely on the drs orders...comid and iui.  I've taken clomid and from what I understand clomid has a lot more side effects than femara does...dried out cm, nausea, headaches, fatique, thin lining.  Also, it seems that clomid is prescribed first by a lot of drs, then if a patient doesn't respond, femara is considered.  Some insurance companies that don't cover clomid, will cover femara, because it can also be used for breast cancer.
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  • I'm in a PCOS Research Study, so I'm not positive which drugs I'm on, but based on my lack of side effects (I always get ALL of the side effects from the meds I take) I'm assuming I'm on Femara.

    As PP said many doctors will begin with Clomid.  Some with not even prescribe Femara because its use as a fertility drug is off label.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Married 1/2/99.
    TTC since 4/09.
    Diagnosed PCOS. Diagnosed Hypothryoid 11/09.
    SHG & SA normal. PCOS Research study started 5/10.
    Clomid/Femara cycle #1 - 6/10 = BFN
    Clomid/Femara cycle #2 - 7/10 = BFP #1 - Missed miscarriage 9/2/10
    11/12 - BFP #2 - 11/22 - m/c
    5/1/11 - BFP #3 - Pre-eclampsia, IUGR & bed rest from 32w. DD born via induction 1/4/12.
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  • I've taken Vitex and I don't think it did a thing.  I have really long and annovulatory cycles and I was hoping it would help but I didn't see any changes.
  • imageelainelbuck:

    I'm in a PCOS Research Study, so I'm not positive which drugs I'm on, but based on my lack of side effects (I always get ALL of the side effects from the meds I take) I'm assuming I'm on Femara.

    As PP said many doctors will begin with Clomid.  Some with not even prescribe Femara because its use as a fertility drug is off label.


    I just did a reaserch study for people with pcos, and I think that I was on femera as well. I did get pg, but miscarried at 11w2d. I wish you the best of luck with your study!

    My Blog

    Me:26 PCOS, IR, MTHFR c677t/c677t, arcuate uterus DH:27 4% morphology
    11/2006 Married My DH
    Started trying on Honeymoon
    2009/2009 4 failed clomid cycles, many BFN, PCOS Study
    4/2010 5 rounds of femara resulted in BFP!
    6/2010 Lost our little poppy.
    7/2010 DX: MTHFR C677t/C677t
    2/23/2011 Starting first IUI cycle. Follistim and ovidrel. Fingers crossed...
    First IUI=BFN Second IUI=BFN
    9/2011: IUI 3,4,5,6 BFN
    1/2012 New year New plan... First consult for IVF.
    4/3/2012 First day of our 1st IVF cycle..
    5/16 ER 14R 6M 5F (25+ empty follicles)
    5/19 ET 3dt of 2 grade A 8 cell embabies!!! Stick baby stick
    8dp3dt BFP! Beta#1 12dp3dt 136, #2 14dpt 336, #3 16dpt 845
    6/19/2012 7w HB 131!!! 6/27/2012 8w HB 173
    Baby Delaney is scheduled to be induced Jan 30, 2013!!

    imageimageimageLilypie Pregnancy tickers
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