So, it has officially been a year since H and I have been trying to conceive. I met with my OBGYN in June, and we agreed to continue to try for July and Aug, and if no BFP then we would move forward with testing.
DH and I have had sex everyday since July 12th. I got a positive OPK on Wed nite as well as Thurs morn, and we had sex of course on those days and then again tonite. For gods sake, I hope I get a BFP this month, cause we are starting to wind down with the sex LOL! FWIW, I had been on vaca without him and whenI returned thats what started the daily sex lol. I guess we missed eachother!
well, we have discussed adopting again (our DS is adoped from foster care). We are meeting with an adoption counselor from a local agency on Wed, and then we have also been in talks with the foster care agency here for possible placement of a baby in a few months if we decide to stop TTC. I guess we are just keep our options open and getting as much in order as possible.
There really wasnt a lot of meaning behind this post, other than I needed to tell someone...I don't want to jinx ANYTHING, so I really havent opened up about any of this to anyone IRL. Thanks for listening!!!!
Re: It's been a year...
it's awesome that you're able to adopt. Hopefully the daily sex will yield fabulous results.
Join our wiki and tell us what your baby eats for finger foods.
Thanks! I hope so too!!! Your DS is SOO adorable!