Trouble TTC

Insurance change in infertility coverage

I am so mad I just got a notice that as of Jan1 my lifetime maximum coverage will go down from $25,000 to $10,000. I'm thankful I have some coverage but that is alot of money that will not be covered depending on how many infertility treatments I need.

Just needed to vent


Re: Insurance change in infertility coverage

  • I am sorry. That really sucks!  So does that mean even if you go over the $10k this year you will be out of coverage or not?

    I am OOP but I would be really upset if I thought I had X amount and then that changed.

    TTC since 07/2009
    Me: PCOS, Blood/Immune Issues DH: Low all 3
    Jun.- Sep. 2010 IUI#1-#3 = BFN
    Oct. 2010 = IVF #1 = B/G Twins (passed away Feb. 2011)
    May 2011 = Myomectomy and trans-abdominal cerclage (TAC)
    Sep. 2011 = Surprise BFP = C/P
    Feb. 2012 = sFET #1 = BFN
    Feb.2012 = Hail Mary IUI #4 = BFN
    April/May 2012 = FET #2 w/our last two embies = BFP (Please let this be it!)
    Beta #1 8dp5/6dt = 234 Beta #2 10dp5/6dt = 695 Beta #3 12dp5/6dt = 1796 Beta #4 17dp5/6dt = 17,888 U/S #1 May 17, 2012 = Twins
    Baby B's heart stop beating at 9 weeks 5 days
    Our little miracle baby is a boy. :)

    Baby Boy Owen and Baby Girl Avery were born too early on Feb. 13, 2011 due to a pedunculated fibroid, incompetent cervix and suspected placental abruption.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    "What the heart has once owned and had, it shall never lose." - Henry Ward Beecher
    SAIF/PAIF Welcome
    Lots of love and luck to my PAIF/3T/IF Veteran ladies, especially my dear friend Zookie. Congrats to Papps, Teach84 and Starbuck on their little ones.
  • that what we had...$15,000/lifetime max and we meet it in 15 months. that included all test, bloodwork and procedures. we even went over with our 2nd IVF and had to pay oop. sucks!!!
    2011 Race Schedule! 2/20/11-Flat 5k Foxboro-28:10 3/5/11-Irish 5k Pawtucket-26:57 PR!!!! 3/19/11-St.Pats 5k Providence-26:59 7/4/11-Harvard Pilgrim 10k Foxboro-1:00:00 Instant PR!! 8/7/11-Rock-n-Roll 1/2 Marathon Providence-2:11:07 Instant PR! 10/10/11-Tufts 10k for Women Boston-????
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