Trouble TTC

Upset and sad-Vent (PG mentioned)

I have a friend who is pg at the time. She posted something on FB about nurses rock and drs. don't do anything for a woman in "labor". She is 36Wks 6days along. People had commented on the status and someone asked why she had parenthesis around the word labor. She commented saying she self induced the labor by dehydrating herself and she was going to make the doctor do a c-section <-----WTH????


I don't  know why this bothers me. Maybe because she had no problems getting pg and every one of her status updates on FB have been about being pg. She also always been so self involved and she calls her baby "her accessory". She also made a comment at one time that maybe my body is telling me something like you should have a baby and thats why I am not pg yet.

I can't even be happy for her in this very happy time for her.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Re: Upset and sad-Vent (PG mentioned)

  • Ms H13Ms H13 member

    So she's facebooking during (labor)?  How precious.

     Vent away, that's what this board is for.

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • What a dumb biitch! that's all I got! Yes I do understand how you feel... Just let her be and block her so that it doesn't hurt you.
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  • imageMs H13:

    So she's facebooking during (labor)?  How precious.

     Vent away, that's what this board is for.


    That struck me odd too! But she is an AW in real life so I guess it makes sense!Wink

  • imagecandymack:

    I have a friend who is pg at the time. She posted something on FB about nurses rock and drs. don't do anything for a woman in "labor". She is 36Wks 6days along. People had commented on the status and someone asked why she had parenthesis around the word labor. She commented saying she self induced the labor by dehydrating herself and she was going to make the doctor do a c-section <-----WTH????


    I don't  know why this bothers me. Maybe because she had no problems getting pg and every one of her status updates on FB have been about being pg. She also always been so self involved and she calls her baby "her accessory". She also made a comment at one time that maybe my body is telling me something like you should have a baby and thats why I am not pg yet.

    I can't even be happy for her in this very happy time for her.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

    Edited: (because I can't type)

    maybe your body is telling you something like you shouldn't have a baby and that's why I am not pg yet.


    I guess I needed to get a hold of myself before my vent. 

    Mari~thanks for the advice. I am blocking her until (if) I get pg.

  • Indifferent Yes, the "hide" button on FB is the greatest ever. Tell her bye bye to yourself and hide that blitch. Unreal.
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  • Yeah, I would hide her.  She just sounds too precious and obnoxious.  I'm sorry :(...I would be super annoyed too.
  • She obviously isn't the smartest cookie in the box. Maybe should should learn from her own words-if you have do something to self induce, then you probably shouldn't be labor. I can't believe that someone would do something so stupid and risk both her life and the her unborn child's life. Dehydrating yourself cannot not be healthy at all. Couldn't she have just discussed with the doctor about having a C-section instead. I definitely agree with blocking or hiding her. I have friend who is similar, and I am going to be doing the same thing soon.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker TTC since 09/09 02/10-Irregular periods begin 05/10-BW results:no progesterone-possible PCOS/SA:normal 07/10-HSG-normal results 09/10-Round 1 Clomid-chemical pregnancy 10/10-Round 2 Clomid-ovulated early 01/11-Round 3 Clomid-BFN 03/11-RE 1st appt-official PCOS diagnosis 05/11-Round 1 IUI-Follistim injectables-too many eggs to trigger 07/11-Round 2 IUI-Folistim injectables-1 follicle-BFN 11/1/11-BFP Finally! (3 to be exact) 6/24/12-DS born
  • Wow, I'm so sorry. I would go one step further than hiding and unfriend her. The comment about how you shouldn't have a baby makes me want to punch her for you....
    Struggled with IF from 2008-2011.
    Surprise Pregnancy 02/11!
  • Wow, what she said to you is totally ignorant and hurtful.  I hope you told her so.  I wouldn't be happy for her either - especially with her putting herself and her baby at risk on purpose like that.  I'm sorry you're feeling this way.  You'll have your turn!
    It took 5 failed IUIs and a failed IVF, but our FET worked!
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    Our baby girl was born on April 27, 2011!
  • image**Papps**:
    Yup, ditto the hide button. Want me to throat punch her for ya? I'd gladly do it!

     Papps~ that would be appreciated! She sure could use it! I heard from another friend today that they sent her home last night and told her not to come back for 2 weeks! Unless she goes into natural labor. HA HA HA!

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