So my gyno and I believe I might have polycystic ovary syndrome. I go in for my annual in september and she's going to run a slew of tests on me. I've always had regular periods but it's been missing for three months now! Took a couple pregnancy tests so I know that's not the issue. I've looked up the symptoms for PCOS and I have had issues losing weight and I started to get a couple dark hairs in places that they shouldn't be. Does anyone know if you can still get pregnant with this syndrome? What type of fertility drugs do they usually use? I know there's a shot that can make you ovulate. Within the next year my husband and I are planning on trying to get pregnant and I'm trying to get a general idea of what we're up against. Am I overreacting? I mean I haven't even been diagnosed but I have a feeling I will be and I'm already freaking out.
Sorry for not lurking in advance. This is my first time on these boards.
Re: PCOS? :(
You will find a whole slew of gals on SAIF with pcos and babies. Normally, the first thing after diagnosis is an HSG and an SA (for your DH) to make sure you aren't dealing with anything else. From there, Metformin is next. Then perhaps clomid or femara, but only with strict monitoring.
Check out the PCOSbio for more information.
*PCOS bio* *Cold Hands, Warm Heart*
First off, sorry about the (possible) diagnosis
Second, there is a ton of info regarding PCOS. I would check out Lurking here can give you a ton more information as well. There are some treatment options that range from BCP, to metformin (if you are insulin resistant), to diet and exercise. TTC can be a little more difficult if you don't ovulate at all or infrequently. A lot of ladies are given Clomid to induce ovulation.
I strongly suggest seeing an endocrinologist or a reproductive endocrinologist for treatment. They are the "experts." I've been wasting my time with an OB who really doesn't have too much experience with PCOS and am just now going to see an endo. I probably should have started there (or with an RE).
And if the worst case scenario does occur I'm very open to adoption.
Definately! ...fingers crossed... Keep lurking on here and learning. I'm new too and I definitely have learned a lot the short time I've been here. It's amazing all the knowledge these boards have!
Me (32) DH (30)
A Wordy Blog
Baby Evangeline is here!
Will do! Everyone seems really nice and supportive here