Trouble TTC

Anyone had an HSG and/or endometrial biopsy? (XP from my local board)

First, a tiny intro...  I'm just on my 7th cycle TTC, but I have had a ton of spotting in my LP ever since I came off BCPs over 4 years ago.  The spotting is what originally led me to start charting several years ago b/c I was confused about why I seemed to be getting my period every 2 weeks.  Once I read TCOYF, I realized it was probably LP spotting, and then charting proved that's what it was.  

I saw the nurse at my birth center a few months ago to talk about my spotting issues.  We checked my hormone levels (which were all good; progesterone over 13 at 6 dpo) and when I saw her again, she told me that an HSG and an endometrial biopsy were the likely next steps to find out what's causing all the spotting.  I've already had an ultrasound and all looked good, but apparently they can miss some things.  Anyway, I'm 5 dpo today and I had some spotting this morning.  I'm thinking of going ahead and scheduling both procedures for next cycle, if they can do them during the same cycle.  Maybe they can even do them on the same day?  IDK.  I figure if I happen to get a BFP this cycle, I can just cancel the procedure(s).

So, tell me about the HSG.  If I recall correctly, it seems like some people have no problems with it and other people find it pretty painful.  What about the endometrial biopsy? 

Also, most importantly - if you had either of these procedures, did they help with a diagnosis? 


Re: Anyone had an HSG and/or endometrial biopsy? (XP from my local board)

  • HSG was not so bad. Helps check for blockage!

    The ENDO biopsy was like going to hell for a few seconds. It hurt so bad and I had to do 2 of them. It really sucked. GL I hope it's not bad for you.

    Oh but yes the endo biopsy did help diagnose my situation. My lining doesn't sit correct on my ute and my hormones where off...

  • Hi there and welcome!  I had both done.  With the HSG I had pretty severe cramping but it only lasted not even 2 min.  As soon as the test was done I was completely fine.  I did take 4 advil about an hour before, so who knows what the pain would have been like if I hadn't!  With the endo biopsy, it hurt like hell, but that's partially because my cervix sits pretty far back, so the dr had trouble reaching it. 

    My HSG didn't diagnose my spotting issues, but it did confirm that my tubes look good and are open.  The endo biopsy confirmed that my lining isn't thick enough, due to my low progesterone.  I took clomid to increase my progesterone, but that still didn't stop the spotting.  I then had a laparoscopy/hysteroscopy done, and had endometriosis and uterine polyps removed.  Both of these can cause infertility and pre-AF spotting.  The cycle after this surgery I had no spotting and got pregnant!  So, your dr might recommend these procedures also. 


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  • Thanks so much for the responses! 

    Sweetie - Had there been any previous diagnosis/signs of endometriosis before they did the biopsy and hysteroscopy?  I've wondered about endometriosis, but I don't have any of the typical symptoms.

  • imageECUGirl2004:

    Thanks so much for the responses! 

    Sweetie - Had there been any previous diagnosis/signs of endometriosis before they did the biopsy and hysteroscopy?  I've wondered about endometriosis, but I don't have any of the typical symptoms.

    Typically, the only way to diagnose endometriosis is through a laparoscopy.  A dr can suspect a patient has endometriosis because of symptoms, but it isn't definite until a lap is done.  An endo biopsy does not diagnose endometriosis, it takes a sample of your endometrium lining to check to see if it's thick enough to support a pregnancy.  I didn't think I had any symptoms of endometriosis before my dr found it, but afterwards I did some research on it and found that I did in fact have some symptoms...pain like O pain, but after I O'd and before AF, sometimes would have this pain during AF too.  Also, spotting can be a sign of endometriosis, but it can also be a sign of polyps, so my spotting could have been caused by either of my issues. 

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  • I'm going in for my HSG today and I have to schedule the Biopsy for 7-11dpo. We'll see how it goes..

    Regarding your question if you can schedule on same day: I don't beleive so. I was told that HSG has to be done between AF and Ovulation. The biopsy gets done right before AF to check the lining

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  • I just had my HSG done today. It was not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but it isn't something I would want to repeat. The worst of the pain was when they put things in and had me tilt side to side. However, I have found I am more sensitive in that area to pain than others because I have issues during my pap with pain. I took two Alieve about an hour before the procedure. The radiologist told me what her first glance on the situation was, but I am waiting on my doctor to call me for all the final results and the next step will be. I have had some cramps and a little on the gasy side this afternoon.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker TTC since 09/09 02/10-Irregular periods begin 05/10-BW results:no progesterone-possible PCOS/SA:normal 07/10-HSG-normal results 09/10-Round 1 Clomid-chemical pregnancy 10/10-Round 2 Clomid-ovulated early 01/11-Round 3 Clomid-BFN 03/11-RE 1st appt-official PCOS diagnosis 05/11-Round 1 IUI-Follistim injectables-too many eggs to trigger 07/11-Round 2 IUI-Folistim injectables-1 follicle-BFN 11/1/11-BFP Finally! (3 to be exact) 6/24/12-DS born
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