I am curious if you have PCOS, but are not insulin resistant and are on Metformin. There are 4 doctors in the practice I go to. Two think all women with PCOS should be on Metformin and two think that only women with insulin resistance should be on Metformin. My insulin level is fine and I was on Metformin in the fall. After losing my baby in March, I never went back on it, but now am thinking that is a mistake. So, if you are not insulin resistant and on Metformin, I am curious of your doc's rational for being on it.
Sorry, that post is a little wordy. I hope it makes sense.
Re: Metformin, but not insulin resistant
I am not IR by the strict definition. However, my RE says women with PCOS are more sensitive to insulin than the general population, so even with classically low numbers we may technically be IR. I've been on metformin for 8 months, since I started seeing my RE. (Wow, holy sh!t, I didn't realize how long I'd been going.
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