TTC After a Loss 6 Months+


Glad to hear that you got so many eggs. My RE said about 80% will actually fertilize.. Woo hoo. Go eggs and spermies.

Okay, so my ER is tomorrow. I am kinda getting really nervous. How was the actual procedure? How was it during the actual procedure? Okay, I going to watch GH and not obsess about tomorrow>.

Re: :::KelinandKevin:::

  • Hey!!  Yeah, my doc told me about 70% should fertilize so let's hope he's right.

    Don't be nervous at all - it is a piece of cake.  I was freaking out before hand and very nervous, but I didn't need to be! The actual procedure was fine.  They brought me back, I put a gown on, they started an IV and gave me some meds to calm me and for nausea.  Then they made my husband leave and the doctor and nurse came in and the anesthesia guy knocked me out and they took out the eggs.  I woke up to the anesthesia guy walking me back to the recovery area and they gave me water.  I honestly don't remember anything during the procedure.  Apparently my left ovary was wayyyyyyy up high by my rib cage so they had to have a nurse push down on my stomach so the doctor could reach it.  Anyway, I don't remember a thing and I am not sore at all. I promise you'll be just fine!!

    Go do something nice for yourself and relax tonight.  I can't wait to hear how many eggs you get and how everything goes! 

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