TTC After a Loss 6 Months+

Ashley (CD 3 b/w mentioned)

They are having me do this as well for this Clomid cycle. So I guess it depends on the office.

Re: Ashley (CD 3 b/w mentioned)

  • Yeah. When I called the RE nurse to let her know to put the order in for it I asked what it was for. It is FSH and a few other hormones. And they do it again at CD 10 to make sure it increased and that the clomid is doing what it is supposed to. She didn't really go too indepth about it but she did tell me that much.
    3 Early Miscarriages 4 rounds of Clomid BFP = 11/16/10 ~ EDD July 29th 2011 Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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