TTC After a Loss 6 Months+

Poll: PPD

I've been thinking about something and I'd love to hear what you ladies think.   I hope this does not offend anyone.  I'm just curious what the general thought is.

Do you think it's possible to have post partum depression after a miscarriage or would you think it's a different classification of depression if you don't actually give birth?  And would it make a difference how far along you were?

I've seen definitions of PPD that reference 'carrying' a child and not exclusively referencing 'after child birth'. 


Missed m/c 11.09 | Missed m/c 3.10 | We miss you & love you so.
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Formerly toddandjulie

Re: Poll: PPD

  • I'm not sure if it has the same title, but I absolutely think (having given birth twice and miscarried 4 times) that the hormone-induced falls after each are triggers for serious depression.  Absolutely.


  • I agree that the hormonal changes either way can cause depression.  I have given birth once, and then had a loss at 19w, and I was a crying mess both times.  However after my loss I felt a ton of anxiety, couldn't sleep, etc. and I didn't experience any of that after giving birth to my son. 
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  • Also, for me, I think I would have dealt much better with a loss in the first trimester (which is NOT to minimize first trimester losses, any loss is heartbreaking as we all know).  But I was mentally ready with the reality that I could lose the baby up until the 12 week point.  I knew what the statistics were.  After that I figured I was good to go, and when we got the bad news at 19 weeks, I was just so was like somebody pulled the rug out from under me.
  • My PCP told me it is possible, because it's the hormones that cause it, not childbirth. Even if you miscarry you've still had pregancy hormones in your body. I don't know if it makes a difference how far along you are.

    BFP 12/18/2009. HB 1/4/2010. NO HB 1/18/2010. D&C 1/19/2010
    April 2011 IUI #1 BFN. High FSH and other issues.
    May 2011 Chose to build our family through adoption
    September 2011 Actively waiting for a match
    11/26/11 Surprise BFP * DD born 7/23/12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • In my mind a m/c can trigger some type of underlying depression whether they classify that as PPD or some other type of depression. 


    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 8.15.07 NATHAN 6.13.09 - 6.14.09 WYATT born 32w3d Gone too soon, RIP. 4.21.10 BFP - missed m/c - D&C on 5.27.10. 1.31.11 BFP - 1st cycle IUI + Follistim + Trigger (2 mature follies)Beta 1 @ 13dpiui: 199 Beta 2 @ 15dpiui: 527 10.7.11 ELIANA(Ellie)ROSE (39w3d)Team Green turned Team Pink - VBAC & ALL NATURAL 6lbs 11oz 19 &1/2in
  • Yes, my dr told me that you can have PPD after a m/c.
    TTC Since Oct 08 BFP #1- 1/23/09, missed m/c 2/26/09 BFP #2- 9/8/09, natural m/c 9/16/09 BFP #3- 4/13/10, missed m/c 5/26/10 BFP #4- 4/6/11 beta#1 at 12dpo-133 prog-55.7, beta#2 at 16dpo- 861 DD born 12/8/2011 BFP#5- 11/23/12 EDD 7/25/13 Dx- Uterine septum (removed Aug 2010), endo, MTHFR C677t hetero, Factor II hetero, Low Protein S Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I was pretty whacked the f out the first two months after my loss. As soon as I got my period 9 weeks later, my emotions started to stabilize. The hormone crash was brutal and very real for me.
    BFP #1 10/17/09: missed m/c at 7 weeks; BFP #2 10/22/10: chemical pregnancy; BFP #3: 1/28/11

    Baby Boy Smudgie born 10/4/11

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  • I am not sure if it is classified as PPD, but I do know that the hormone imbalance mixed with the grief definitely can cause depression. I know I went through some of it and was just relieved it wasn't as bad as some of my major depressive episodes in the past have been.  I am just guessing that is because I had a reason to be sad and didn't have the added anxiety of being sad for no reason.

    Sorry for rambling.

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