Hey lady, I saw that you were looking into adoption and I wanted to say good luck and I think that's great! DH and I met with Catholic Charities in December to talk about foster parenting, and will probably still try to do that someday. They were a great agency to work with and I'm sure there's one in your town. Not sure if they do private adoption too but fostering is also a really good (and lots cheaper) way to go if you are patient (which I'm not sure I would be but whatevs). Anyway hope everything is going well!
BFP #1- 1/16/09- Baby Ava stillborn at 32 weeks, possible cord accident, 7/30/09
BFP #2- 1/5/10- Baby Jack born at 37w2d, 6lbs 13 oz, 8/24/10
BFP #3- 7/30/11- Baby Boy Due April 3, 2012

Re: *~Court1~*
BFP #2- 1/5/10- Baby Jack born at 37w2d, 6lbs 13 oz, 8/24/10
BFP #3- 7/30/11- Baby Boy Due April 3, 2012