And they one up the US healthcare system once again. This time on the fertility front. Good job Canada!
Connor Thomas 6/6/08. Discovered missed miscarriage at 17 wks 3 days, D&C 11/25/09.
Please, please, please - BFP 5/21/11, EDD 2/1/11. Beta@12DPO=52, Beta@14DPO=158. U/S 7/7/11 shows strong baby measuring a couple days ahead!!!

Re: Another reason to be jealous of the Canadians
Gdamn Quebecois!
I know a lot of Dr's through work, and they are pushing for this. I could only pray and dream that they would do this in my province.
Although, saving $30,000 might be worth putting up with moving to Quebec for a few months.