TTC After a Loss 6 Months+

***Oh Allison***

I've started researching adoption & the info out there is a bit overwhelming. Did you start with a local agency...or what?  I'm a newbie all over again.

Connor Thomas 6/6/08. Discovered missed miscarriage at 17 wks 3 days, D&C 11/25/09. Please, please, please - BFP 5/21/11, EDD 2/1/11. Beta@12DPO=52, Beta@14DPO=158. U/S 7/7/11 shows strong baby measuring a couple days ahead!!! Pregnancy Ticker

Re: ***Oh Allison***

  • Def. buy "Adoption for Dummies." It's really helpful.

    And yeah, I just Googled my county and "adoption agencies" and waded through the CRAP TON of info. We think we are going to end up w/ Catholic Charities (we are not Catholic, please note). The local office has a great reputation.

  • imageambrandau2:

    Def. buy "Adoption for Dummies." It's really helpful.

    And yeah, I just Googled my county and "adoption agencies" and waded through the CRAP TON of info. We think we are going to end up w/ Catholic Charities (we are not Catholic, please note). The local office has a great reputation.

    I was also thinking Catholic Charities.  We'll grab the book too.  I think we're about 6 months out from really jumping in, but I want to know what we're in for in & when we get there.  There's soooo much junk on the interwebs.

    Connor Thomas 6/6/08. Discovered missed miscarriage at 17 wks 3 days, D&C 11/25/09. Please, please, please - BFP 5/21/11, EDD 2/1/11. Beta@12DPO=52, Beta@14DPO=158. U/S 7/7/11 shows strong baby measuring a couple days ahead!!! Pregnancy Ticker
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