TTC After a Loss 6 Months+

Triggering Tonight!

Just got the call, RE wants me to trigger tonight at 10pm.  ER will be Thursday morning!  It's finally here... I can't beleive it!!

Thanks for letting me post my crazy updates.  My IRL friends don't know about this and I have nobody to talk to besides DH and he's "IVF'ed out".  It feels good to be able to tell friends that understand about all this.

You ladies are the best!

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Re: Triggering Tonight!

  • Come on follies, become great embryos for Kelin!!!

    Yay on triggering!

    Forever buddy to Angelica; Natural Miscarriage Jan. 2008 @ 11 weeks; 2 years of BFFN's; DX: Unexplained IF (RE thinks IF is due to tubal issues); IUI #1 & 2= BFFN; IUI#3 = BFP, resulted in Cornual ectopic pregnancy; IUI #4 - 6 =BFFN; Our next endeavor... IVF. 1 grade AA embryo transferred on 4-23-2011 and 5 frosties. BFP Abby born 1/5/2012

  • Yay! Come on follies! Do your stuff!
  • Loading the player...
  • Good luck!  I'm so excited for you. 
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  • Good luck!  I'm so excited for you!  Sending you lots of follie dust, and fertilization dust!
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  • Ack! OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! Yaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!!

    You better administer that shot right! Get warmed up!


  • I'm so excited for you Kelin!

    Sending lots of nice big follie dust!!!

  • Woo hoo!!! Thats great news. Hee hee hoo... Breathe, breathe, breathe!!!

    Come on follies.. do your thing!!!!!!

  • Good Luck!!!
    Marie, wife to Ron, mom to DS
  • Yay!!!!!! That's awesome news. Good luck!

  • Clerk9Clerk9 member
    Woo hoo!  Hope you get more eggs than Easter at the Vatican.  ;)  GL!!!  
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  • jen629jen629 member
    Hold On ....Michael Buble
    MTHFR 2 copies of C677t mutation homozygous 2/2010
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Baby A born via c-section 1/10/12 @38w3d
    BFP #1 11/4/09 m/c 4w3d baby crab
    BFP #2 12/4/09 m/c 9w3d baby lion
    BFP #3 7/1/10 m/c 4w1d baby fish
    BFP #4 5/8/11
    BFP #5 8/17/12 10dpo beta 7
  • Squeeeeeee!
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  • How exciting!!! Good luck tonight and Thursday!  I am so happy for you that this is happening finally.
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  • Good luck! 
    Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle!
    April 2011 CP @ 5 weeks
  • This is so exciting!! Fingers crossed for awesome follies :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • GL tonight!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    4 losses (cp Feb 28 09, mc April 9 09 (5w5d), mc Aug 10 09 (7w1d), d&c Apr 12 10 (grew to 6w3d, mc confirmed at 8w5d). RX: Overies PCOS (hormones normal) & Balanced Translocation of Ch. 7 & 13 (40-50% mc risk)

    Cooking Blog
  • GOOD LUCK!!!!

    Come on follies!!!!!!!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Labor Buddy to Blowfish11
  • Good Luck!!!!!!!
  • So excited for you!! Wishing you tons of luck and will keep you in my thoughts thursday. This past cycle when I woke up from the anesthia I thought I didn't even fall asleep yet, couldn't believe it was over already. I had no pain after it was done and it will go so quick. The transfer is the worst part because you have to have a full bladder for the ultrasound and then my RE has you lay down for 30 minutes before going to the bathroom.


    image 3 IUI's all BFN

    IVF#1 BFN IVF#2 BFP, loss at 19 weeks FET#1 BFN IVF#3 BFP, m/c FET#2 BFN

    Missing our twins Zachary and Madison, lost at 19 weeks on 11/13/09, edd 4/9/10

    BFP 7/17/10, m/c 7/25/10, edd 3/25/11

    Ectopic, lost left tube 4/20/11, edd 12/6/11

    my blog

  • KiKiMeKiKiMe member
    Good luck!!
    Started TTC in 2/09. Dx with PCOS in 09/09. BFP on 11/7/09.
    Dx with Ectopic on 12/7/09. Laparoscopy, D&C, and lost my left tube on 12/08/09.
    01/11 = BFP!
    Finnegan Alexander born 9/25/11 via emergency c-section
  • Yay, go time!
    Connor Thomas 6/6/08. Discovered missed miscarriage at 17 wks 3 days, D&C 11/25/09. Please, please, please - BFP 5/21/11, EDD 2/1/11. Beta@12DPO=52, Beta@14DPO=158. U/S 7/7/11 shows strong baby measuring a couple days ahead!!! Pregnancy Ticker
  • Yay! Good luck!!!
    BFP #1 9/23/09. Missed MC 10w3d D&C 11/3/09.

    BFP #2 4/13/10. Bridget born 12/28/10

    BFP #3 Finn born 8/11/15



    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • GL Kelin!!!!  I'm so excited for you!!!!
  • How exciting!!!  Good Luck with everything.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers IVF #1 BFP Beta #1 528 & Beta #2 1514
  • Yay woo!  Party!!!

    Missed m/c 11.09 | Missed m/c 3.10 | We miss you & love you so.
    ~ ~ ~
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Formerly toddandjulie
  • Yay!!!  This is exciting!

    I'm so glad your getting to do this.  Good luck tonight!

  • Good luck!

    BFP 12/18/2009. HB 1/4/2010. NO HB 1/18/2010. D&C 1/19/2010
    April 2011 IUI #1 BFN. High FSH and other issues.
    May 2011 Chose to build our family through adoption
    September 2011 Actively waiting for a match
    11/26/11 Surprise BFP * DD born 7/23/12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Good luck Kelin!!  This is so exciting!!!
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  • That's great news!  I've got all my fingers and toes crossed for you!!!
    ***** TTCAL/Forever Buddy to Cour10e******
    -m/c at 11w2d due to partial molar 2008 -m/c #2 2009
    Beautiful daughter born February 2011
    **Ultimate TTCALer 2009**

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Oh!! Good luck!!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • Great news!  I will be thinking of you and praying for your healthy baby (or babies).
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  • I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • This is great!!  So if the ER is Thursday, how long before they implant the embryo??
  • Late to post but thinking about you right now as you're (I'm guessing) doing your ER!!
  • Good luck tomorrow, Kelin!    I can't wait to hear how many they retrieved!  So exciting!!!!!
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  • imagemomagain2009:
    Good luck tomorrow, Kelin!    I can't wait to hear how many they retrieved!  So exciting!!!!!

    Thanks love!!  I'll update when I get home from the ER tomorrow!

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  • That is so freaking exciting I can hardly stand it!
  • Yayyayyay!!
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