Seems like anytime mine has to do more than one thing at a time that relates to the kids, he freaks out and says I'm not doing anything and I need to help!!! He gets frantic like he's changing a diaper and the other needs help getting shoes on or is whining about something and he'll make comments to the kids indirectly to me like "Mommy can do it, she can do something around here"... when I am already doing something like cooking dinner or cleaning up. It drives me nuts when he makes comments like that!? It's immature and just not necessary!
I have two hands and two legs and I manage both my kids without him just fine, cook, clean AND i have a baby in my belly. He gets so caught up in the moment and freaks out. I just wish he was better with multitasking. So who has a good multitasking husband?
Re: Does anyone's DH know how to multi-task? Vent...
Me with my littlest.
Mine certainly can't.
He gets frazzled, and makes asinine comments, too. When it gets to be too much, he comes up with some idiotic errand that has to be run RIGHT NOW, and he's gone 3x longer than said errand should take.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
this is so funny
DH can multitask at work very well. Not so much at home. He can't even close a gd door behind him.
My DH can multitask in that he can manage multiple multi-million dollar projects at work.
However, if I leave for a couple of hours and ask him to have the kids fed, dressed, and the laundry put from the washer to the dryer and he loses his damn mind and only manages to get the kids fed anyway.
Okay, this thread is a god-send.
My DF is exactly like this. Thank god i'm not alone....