I had a surprise trip to the hospital last night due to contractions 3-5
minutes apart that took my breath away. In short, the cerclage was
taken out almost immediately due to concerns that I might tear if I
started to dilate. The contractions were intense and consistent for the
first hour and a half, and then things kind of spaced out. I got a
medication for pain since I was showing no signs of dilating further (I
am at 2 cm), so I was told that I am in early labor. I was sent home at
1:00 a.m., and I saw the OB today. She stopped my P17 shots and said
that she is ready for Big Ben to arrive when he is. So, now I am just a
regular pregnant lady waiting anxiously for labor to do its thing. I
feel good knowing that Ben is already almost 7 lbs. (based on growth ultrasound on Wed.). OB is putting bets
on the fact that I will have him by next week. I am excited, even though Ben might be technically a preemie if he comes soon. Crossing
my fingers.
Re: Surprise trip to L&D...no baby Ben, yet.
My Blog
So exciting!
Keep us posted!