For those of you with a failed match. Did you or would you still use the name you were planning on using if/when you got matched again with the same gender? We were matched with a baby boy and we of course had a name picked out. When he was born, we didn't really call him by his name except when I sent a picture to my parents and siblings but our caseworker and all of our family & friends called him by our name. The birthparents changed their minds before they signed the papers and we never took custody but now the name we had picked out is sad to me. It's only been a month but I just don't think I can use that name. What did you do or what do you think you would do? Also now I'm afraid of picking out another name ( if we get matched with the same gender) and telling the birthparents/our caseworker/etc the name and the same thing happening again. I'm thinking about just saying we have a few names in mind but don't really have a definite one yet but once the baby is born, I'm not sure that will work! I'm probably really over analyzing this but I'm just curious what your ideas/opinions are on the subject. TIA!
Re: Name Question..
I can definitely see why it would make you sad to think about using that name with a new baby. But, for me, I have names picked out that are very special to me and that honor my grandparents. I just think that I would have to use those names even if I was in a situation like yours. Although I guess I can't know for sure unless it happens to me.
I don't see why you can't just say that you are considering several names.
The first match we had picked out a name and decided not to use it again. But failed match #2 we had in May we had picked out a name and would have used it for match #3 in June, though that failed too.
We will still use the name if we love it the most but we are starting to throw around other names again.
I think it is different for the failed matches on the other side of already being a mom (match #1 was before we had our DS) because I associated the name with a baby I wanted. Where as now babies are less concrete in my mind because I have a son who is very concrete.
We haven't shared the name with anyone though, which makes it easier to use.
I would def suggest just saying you haven't picked a name yet.
We were matched with a BM in only her 3rd month of pregnancy and we were matched for about 2 months before it fell through. We never did learn the gender during that time, but we did have a boys and girls name picked out.
The name we had picked out for the first match for a boy we did use for our adoption. I love the name Ben and always wanted to use it. It doesn't bother me although my situation is a lot different because we never knew the gender or got really close to that first baby becoming ours.
I would do what you are comfortable with and if hearing that name is a sad reminder I would probaly use another one.
We had picked a name for our failed match that we loved. It was Noah.
We obviously didn't use it for DS, but I agree with Rachel, Noah was the baby we were dreaming of. Now that we have Luke, we would probably use a name even if we had planned on using it with a failed match.