It's been a slow week, we've got a lot of new preemie moms recently, and I just love to look at pics...anyone want to join me in posting before and after pics?
Off the bili lights, so maybe around 10 days old! Probably about 3lb 8oz here.
A few weeks ago at the pool with Daddy, around 9.5 months old and 16lbs!
Re: SO: Anyone up for a round of before & afters?
Then: Day 1 @ 28 weeks - 1 lb 11 oz & 12.25 in long.
Now: 4th of July @ ~2.5 yrs old - 27 lbs & ~32 inches tall.
Elijah- 4.4 at birth (this was probably 2 days old)
5 months old -about 14 lbs
Hazel -3.14 at birth (must have been 4 or 5 days old b/c CPAP is gone)
last week at 13 lbs
Kangaroo care with Mommy, D2 of life. 26w5d, 1.9lbs.
Taking a break from CPAP on D5 of life.
And below, taking a break from nasal cannula and tendergrips at 5.5 months actual!
Born at 4lbs 10oz 18.5 inches long
Now at 9 months old
Lily birthday @ 32w1d 4 lbs 6oz 17 1/4 inches:
Siggy: July 3, 2010 11ish lbs 23ish inches
Colin the day he was born, 4 lbs 0 oz, 31w5d:
Colin at 7 weeks old, lounging at home, almost 8 lbs!
Andrew, born at 31 weeks 4 lbs 17 in. Day 1
and now at almost 7 months- 13 lbs 5 oz 26 in
Tara Grace 10/1/09, 15 oz and 10 inches long....26 weeks
Now 7/1/10 at 9 months weighing 14 pounds and 23 inches long!
Laura was born at 30w6d due to Pre-e/HELLP, she was 3lbs. 1oz. and 15" long.
Today she's 13 1/2 months 14lbs 6oz and 26.5"
She was born with a congential heart defect, Truncus Arteriosus, she had open heart surgery at 7 weeks of age. She's doing great now but will need more heart surgery in the future.
Corri at a few days old (less than 10 days since she's still on CPAP)
Corri now at nearly 5 months actual...
B&N: born 26w6d
ben - 2# 5oz.
nora - 1# 14oz.
ben @ 8 mos. - around 17#
nora @ 8 mos. - around 12#