Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Pediatrician in Flower Mound?

Anyone use or know of a good pediatrician in the Flower Mound area?  And, when do you contact a pediatrician to setup care for your newborn in the hospital?  Thanks!

Re: Pediatrician in Flower Mound?

  • we are using MD pediatrics in Flower Mound, seeing doctor Smalley

    the hospital asked who we had chosen and they contacted the office when shw was born - but you can use the pedi on staff at the hospital if you haven't chosen one yet


  • Another vote for MD Pediatrics. We see Fitzgerald and have been happy with him and everyone in the office. The docs only travel to Baylor Grapevine and Medical Center of Lewisville, I think (and probably the new FM hospital). I delivered in Irving, so we just saw a pedi that my OB recommended at the hospital and then saw Fitzgerald right after she came home.
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  • We also use MD Pediatrics.  I really love all of the staff. We usually go to the office in Lewisville/Coppell but Ive been to the FM office and its really nice.

     I set up a consult with Dr. Leung when I was about 7 months pregnant and really really liked him.  When I went to the hospital they asked if I had a pedi.  I just gave them Dr. Leung's info and they contacted him once DD was born.  He came in everyday to make sure she was doing well and updated me with her progress. 

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