Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Ferber at 14 months?

We really haven't had the need to sleep train up until now but it's obvious that DS's sleep issues are getting worse not better. He now refuses to nap or sleep in his crib. He will only nap on the living room floor or sleep on the guest room bed provided someone lays down with him. Has anyone successfully sleep trained this late in the game?For the last two months I've tried to be patient and not try Ferber since he was getting his first 4 molars, he was sick with a cold for a week, and we moved into a new house. But we have been in the new house for a month now. It started with him going to sleep easy but not staying asleep, even after only 30 mintutes at night. Now he won't go to sleep at all. And he won't nap either. I know he is tired. Frankly I'm tired too.He's never been a great sleeper but really wasn't the worst sleeper either.  It was at least manageable. Anyone go through something similar at this age? 

Re: Ferber at 14 months?

  • my 5 year old was the same way... so we skipped the crib and just moved her to a big girl bed at about 12-14 months. She did much better sleeping in her bad and never got out of it. I did have to lay with her to get her to sleep, but eventually that got better too. I would pray with her and then sit on the floor by her bed. then slowly each night get a little further away. then we let her sleep with her door open and would come and check every "two minutes" like she asked us too. Now at 5 she still likes to be checked on, but will read in bed until she is sleepy. GL I know it is hard!
  • I feel your pain:) My LO is 15 months and ends up in bed with me every night.  (My husband is on midnights, so it hasn't been too bad sharing our bed with her, but I desperately want her to sleep in her crib)  She will sleep for 40 mins to a few hours at night, and still wakes several times...unless she's in bed with me.  Naps are a challenge too.  Everyday she wakes after 40 mins and I have to try to get her back to sleep.  I still rock her to sleep.  I've tried putting her in her crib awake...no luck.  I think that at this late in the game they know exactly what they want and its not for us to try Ferber.  A friend pushed me to try...no luck.  Sorry I don't have any advice, but its nice to know then at you're not alone.  I'm hoping that as she gets older it will get better.  Good luck.  I know its extra hard when you know they're tired but just won't sleep.
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  • Our DD had problems as well sleeping. She refused to got the crib and if we'd rock her to sleep, the minute we put her down she'd wake up and scream. She had to be in the bed with us and even then would wake up a lot. She had her one year appointment and I spoke to the pedi. She told us it was time to put her in her crib and walk out. That was the hardest thing to hear but I knew how tired she was throughout the day and so I did it. The first night it was an hour and a half off and on that she cried. Then she slept through the night! The next night she cried/whined for 20 minutes and slept through the night and the next night  she laid straight down and went to sleep. It's been easy from that point on. Even naps, she's tired and I put her in her crib and she puts her self to sleep. It's amazing bc she's never been like this. It was the hardest thing I had to do but I"m grateful I did it. She knows where she sleeps and isn't so grumpy/fussy during the day. Goodluck with your precious little one.
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