
24wk u/s good - weight/urine not so good

First the babies are doing really well. Baby A is 1pd 10oz and baby B is 1pd 9oz.

My weight - gain is apparently too much. I started out at 115 went down to 104 due to m/s. Since wk 14 or so i've been steadily gaining weight.  Last weight check i was 124 and now i weigh in at 136!! 12 pounds in a month. I have no idea where the heck this weight has gone to because i'm still skinny, my belly looks like a singleton and the babies are right on target for weight. Look at my blog to see the last pic i took which was last week. The a$$hole OB said to watch what i eat!! I eat healthy and i don't eat like a pig either. I don't see how i can eat less than i do already. I have had some swelling in hands, legs and feet but nothing excessive. They never once asked me if i've had any swelling??

Urine - test came back with blood in it. A$$hole OB cut me off when i told him she found blood telling me he'll get to that don't get ahead of him. Now i'm pissed and just want to get out of there. I have no symptoms of a UTI, kidney stones etc...any ideas what it could be? I am afraid to google it lol.

Any insight on either issue would be great! Thanks!! 


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Re: 24wk u/s good - weight/urine not so good

  • Ugh - sorry about your A-hole Dr. My philosophy on weight gain is this - If my babies are growing on track and have healthy weights, and I know that I am eating a healthy diet then I don't care about the number on the scale. I know this is the most widely adopted but it's worked for me. I was very health conscious before i got pg and have stayed that way with the exception of chicken tenders!  My girls are measuring in the 50th and 60th percentiles for weights. In total I've gained almost 40 pounds (my nurse attributed 5 pounds of that to major swelling at my last appt) but I don't feel like I'm gaining too much. Aside from the swelling, I'm all belly. If my OB ever said anything about my weight gain I'd have a hard time not telling him to shove it.

     I'm sorry I don't have any advice on blood in urine. Did your Dr run any tests or schedule any follow up to determine what is causing that? I agree - DON'T GOOGLE! You should be able to rely on your doctor for answers and not a search engine.

  • About your urine... I'm a nurse... not to be gross....but do you every have hard BM's?  Sometimes straining to poo, can lead to little tears...and sometimes that can show up on a urine test.  (sometimes) 

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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  • Your weight gain is fine, ignore the jerk. The only time I would worry about rapid weight gain is if you also have a rise in your BP and protein in your urine.

    I had the same thing happen to me when I was pregnant with my second child and he basically called me fat. Yeah. I switched to a midwife when I was 7 months pregnant. Anyway, I also had blood in my urine when I was pregnant with my daughter and they said I had a UTI but I had no other symptoms so I never took the antibiotics and I just drank a heck of a lot of water and cranberry juice. You have two babies in there and chances are they are playing Kung Fu Panda with your insides and that could cause a little bleeding I'm guessing.

    I would consider switching to a different OB though because he's obviously very insensitive and he should have addressed the blood in the urine straight away considering your concern. It is a sign of a kidney infection or UTI and if untreated could lead to PTL. Did they say you have an infection?

    Mom to six awesome kids - Levi is 12, Landen is 8, Gabrielle is 6, Lucas is 3, and Oliver and Samuel are 2 years old. Love my crew. Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Oh and you are so little! I mean your whole body, not just your belly, I don't know what your doctor is talking about. I'd kill to not have a pregnant arse as well as belly ; )
    Mom to six awesome kids - Levi is 12, Landen is 8, Gabrielle is 6, Lucas is 3, and Oliver and Samuel are 2 years old. Love my crew. Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageleviandlandensmom:


    I would consider switching to a different OB though because he's obviously very insensitive and he should have addressed the blood in the urine straight away considering your concern. It is a sign of a kidney infection or UTI and if untreated could lead to PTL. Did they say you have an infection?

    Thanks lol...he's only one dr out of the whole practice and i like the other ones. I have been told he's a jerk & now i know for sure. They did the test strip test only. They are sending it out to the lab for further testing. Hopefully it comes back good cuz i hate those antibiotics. I have a feeling it's water retention as well. So i'm going to try to lay off the salt intake.

    Thanks everyone for your respones!!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Based on the information of this post alone, I would personally consider switching OBs. I absolutely love my doctors, and couldn't imagine going through this pregnancy feeling that my OB was an insensitive jerk.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers twins born at 36 wks Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imageleviandlandensmom:
    Oh and you are so little! I mean your whole body, not just your belly, I don't know what your doctor is talking about. I'd kill to not have a pregnant arse as well as belly ; )

    lol..thanks so much. I feel better now :) I have been so used to people telling me that i'm so tiny for twins and having a complex about that now i feel like he's telling me i'm too big and to watch what i eat. just can't win. Thanks again :)

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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