It's nice that you keep an eye on us I am sure that it is much slower for you! But I see in your siggy you are graduating from the RE tomorrow - how exciting!! I'm doing well. Still on bcp for ivf#3. We worked it out so that ER will be the very end of july or very beginning of August so that I could teach summer school and be done & stress free for the important part of the cycle. I'm actually feeling optimistic...well at least peaceful. Much better than my last cycle. I hope to join you ladies on paif in august
Tara & Dave - TTC since September 2006
PCOS - dx 1999 (amenorrhea) | freakishly long fallopian tubes
Hypoglycemic | thyroid issues | severely anemic
Multiple Clomid cycles of 50, 100, 150 - absolutely no response
Follistim 50/100 | Follistim 75/125 | Follistim 100/150 IUI - all BFNs
Converted IVF - BFP - m/c | FET - BFN | IVF #2 = BFN
IVF #3
that's awesome that you were able to work it out so that you can save yourself some stress and frustration. The more you can do to stay calm/happy the better off your cycle will be. Best of luck! I'll keep checking back around end of July to see how you're doing!!
Re: I'm a dumb@ss, sorry wrong board
Tara & Dave - TTC since September 2006
PCOS - dx 1999 (amenorrhea) | freakishly long fallopian tubes
Hypoglycemic | thyroid issues | severely anemic
Multiple Clomid cycles of 50, 100, 150 - absolutely no response
Follistim 50/100 | Follistim 75/125 | Follistim 100/150 IUI - all BFNs
Converted IVF - BFP - m/c | FET - BFN | IVF #2 = BFN
IVF #3
Hey musetls! I am doing great, how are you?! I was lurking and spying on you guys when DH came home. Forgot I was being a spy LOL. Niki = tool.
I think it's funny you say 10 weeks already, ha. I think my ticker moves slower than everyone else's tickers. LMAO. All perspective.
Where are you now with your cycle. I'm always lurking but I have a hard time keeping track of my favs some days!!
Tara & Dave - TTC since September 2006
PCOS - dx 1999 (amenorrhea) | freakishly long fallopian tubes
Hypoglycemic | thyroid issues | severely anemic
Multiple Clomid cycles of 50, 100, 150 - absolutely no response
Follistim 50/100 | Follistim 75/125 | Follistim 100/150 IUI - all BFNs
Converted IVF - BFP - m/c | FET - BFN | IVF #2 = BFN
IVF #3