
Clomid & Ovidrel -- cramp

Hi ladies,

This is my second cycle. I'm took Clomid for the second time and Ovidrel for the first time. My last cysle was put to rest prior to Ovidrel b/c my insurance had not kicked in.
I am on first week of 2ww now. I have a lot of cramps. I was hoping it is a sign that I'm preg but unfortunatly my temp has dropped. 

Does any of these med cause cramps? Should I be concern?


Re: Clomid & Ovidrel -- cramp

  • For all 3 of my IUI's I used Clomid and Ovidrel and 2 out of the 3x I had horrible cramps the entire cycle.

    Good Luck.

    Blythe Elizabeth is here March 27,2012
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks.  I built my hopes for nothing.
    I didn't have IUI. The doc told me to try naturally one cycle. I guess it is the meds. : (
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