Babies on the Brain

Funny MJ story

last year....My niece (6  at the time) and I were outside and she was asking about MJ and why he died. Then she said "why were people mad at him?" I told her nobody was mad at him and that he's in heaven. She said, "no..people are mad at him. I saw them on TV holding up signs that said RIP Michael. They wanted to rip him apart.

Indifferent  Stick out tongue   Kids.

MY FOUR ANGELS... M/C 12/26/02 AT 4 WEEKS M/C 12/31/07 AT 12 WEEKS, D & C M/C 12/5/08 AT 9 WEEKS, D & C ***BFP ON 3/26/09*** MARY REYNA BORN AND PASSED AWAY JULY 31ST, 2009 AT 23 WEEKS. GOODBYE SWEET BABY...I WILL MISS YOU FOREVER. ***AFTER 17 WEEKS ON BEDREST*** Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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