Babies on the Brain

Because I'm curious...(non-clicky poll)

What (if anything) do you keep on your coffee table?  I'm constantly trying to clean mine off.

Re: Because I'm curious...(non-clicky poll)

  • Coasters on top, remotes underneath.

    ETA:  I forgot we have 2.  The other one has coasters on top and photo albums underneath.   

  • Coasters and the remote on top, wedding and other photo albums underneath.

    Married 11/24/07
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  • We have 2. Upstairs is a wedding frame we have that displays an engagement, wedding and honeymoon picture. Also sometimes some candles. Underneath it I have a ton of photo albums and catalogs.

    The one downstairs is supposed to be clear but random papers, remotes and folded laundry always ends up on it.

    Taking the Scenic Route
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  • My coffee table always has too much stuff on it.  Right now it has kleenex, nail polish, a Martha Stewart cookbook, coupons, pen, paper, and a couple coasters.  Underneath it are coasters, our wedding album in the box, a decorative bowl, and an Ikea catalog. 

    Like I said, too much.  

  • There's usually always trains on it and train tracks and DS is a Thomas the train fanatic. We clean it off when we have company over.

    SAHM to 4 kiddos... K (5/05), N (4/09), C (11/10) and Baby A 1/13/14

  • The coffee table is right in the middle of B's "zone" so its cleared of everything. Well, right now there is a Little Tikes Doll House on it. Fancy!
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  • We used to have this really pretty wire bowl with tiny red apples in it as a center piece, but one day we came home to find about twenty apples had been chewed up and spread all over the house by the pup, so now there's no center piece.

    Married 11/24/07
    Camille Rae 8/21/10
    Thea Grace's EDD 5/22/14

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  • WAY too much. When it's clean, remotes & a candle on top, photo albums & books underneath.

    Now, remotes, a dirty glass, books, mail, wii remotes & a dvd are all on top.

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    Photo courtesy of mrs_b

  • Now my dining room table is another story. That is where all the clutter accumulates.

    On the dining room table right now:

    Newspaper sale ads, a topsy turvy, an ipod dock, a cintronella candle from the patio, sun screen, a picture frame, and a pail with sand toys.


    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageN&G 5_26_07:

    Now my dining room table is another story. That is where all the clutter accumulates.

    Don't even get me started on our coffee table. I think I will be doing some cleaning when I get home from work.  

  • Downstairs just a photo book. Upstairs, my child. It's his fav chair.
  • I have a small round coffee table.  I just have an hour glass on it.  Here's a pic:  (please excuse the cheap shades.  We've put up plantation shutters since)



  • I have: remote, coasters, pens, random pieces of mail, lotion, tweezers, small mirror (for eyebrow tweezing), and foot cream.  It's possible I've left things out.

  • Oddly enough we don't have a coffee table.
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  • On top: Nothing

    Underneath: DH's large sailing book, Scrabble and a dictionary, remotes, and a stack of J. Peterman catalogs (yes, the company from Seinfeld is real, and the clothing descriptions are as hilarious as on the show... we will never buy anything from there because it's so expensive, but the catalogs are fun).

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    Cloth-diapering, breastfeeding, baby-wearing SAHM/grad studentBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We couldn't keep ours from getting stacked with ridiculous amounts of stuff (mail, keys, homework, etc.), so we replaced it with huge storage ottoman that came with four miniature folding ottomans inside. It's much, much better.
    TTC with MFI, PCOS, and endometriosis since February 2010
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  • No coffee table. That way there is nothing to keep clean. (remote stays on the TV stand unless it is in use.)
  • We have a basket on it that has some magazines, our wedding album and remotes.  It usually has a pile of crap DH has pulled out of his pockets too.
    Sadie is not impressed.
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    "This ribbon has been reported." - lovesnina
  • we don't have a coffee table
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  • Front room:  two pretty Fenton candy bowls and two coffee table books, one on painted lady houses and one on Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings.

    Family room:  Lamp, framed ultrasound photo, remotes, coasters.  And probably a bottle and a pacifier.



    Jack Donovan, b. Christmas Eve, 2009.

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  • Any books that I am currently reading. Other than that nothing because the baby just destroys whatever else I put there. 

    We do keep three wicker baskets underneath that hold magazines, and some toys.  

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  • Ugh.  Remotes (currently 4!), a candle, a tabletop thermometer, a placemat (because we always eat in the living room).  A "bedroom caddy" meant for wallets, keys, change, the end of the day, but DH has a terrible habit of dumping that stuff in the living room, so I moved it out here.  We move it if we have company.

    Also, there is a cup there right now.

    Photobucket Anniversary
  • Right now? I haven't started cleaning yet today, so there is...

    Clean Laundry, waiting to be hung up.

    A xylophone.

    A candle centerpiece (3 pillar candles corralled by a holder)

    Our coffee table books - one about penguins, one about mustangs (the car), two about aviation, and my anniversary gift to DH (a picture book of our first year of marriage).

    The big packet of stuff we got when SD "graduated" pre-K. I still haven't figured out where to keep it. Probably going in her closet. 


    Underneath, there is...

    A stack of gardening magazines/books my SM gave me.

    A building book (that we used when we built the barn last March).

    My latest knitting project.


  • We don't have a coffee table.
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