Or how long should one wait before seeing one? We are TTC #2, about to start on cycle 5. It didn't take this long for DD, but I was under 35 then and had more eggs (!!). We'll try again next month and if that doesn't work, I have my yearly checkup at the end of July, so I'm sure he will advise me on how to proceed from there.
But generally speaking, what's the average it takes a couple to conceive?
I'm a little bummed bc we were using the CBEFM (2nd month) so I was hoping it would have been the month.
Are you doing anything to try to help the situation? This month I will try to eat a bit healthier, stop with the caffeine, and maybe even chart. I did it last time...and was being lazy this time.
Re: How long TTC before you went to a specialist?
I think 6 months is plenty of time. Good luck~!
I waited too long (IMO). If I could do it over, I'd have gone to the RE after six months. I think asking at your annual checkup is fine.
Generally charting is a good place to start. Have you read TCOYF (Taking Charge of Your Fertility)? It's the TTC bible.
I would go after 6 months if I were you. I've read somewhere that said it takes a person under 35 an average of 1 year to get pregnant but a person over 35 it can take an average of 2 years......but don't wait 2 years to see someone.
I waited 2 years. Some days I wished I had gone sooner but at the time there was a lot of stress in my life (my mom was battle leukemia) so it really is better that I waited.
I wouldn't wait a day after 6 months - especially if your insurance will cover any of it.
I'm 39, and my gynecologist told me to come see her if nothing happened in 3-4 cycles (I'm in the 2ww of cycle #3 now). I'm glad she's being proactive, but yeah, 6 months if you're +35 is the norm.
photo by Scott Metzger
kikijbird ~ Erica (aka Kiki) & Paul ~ 24 April 2010
The JBirds Bio ~ Updated 03.02.10 - Invites!
my annual exam happened to fall during the 6th month of trying. my doc refered me to an RE and I went the following cycle. I've read over and over that women 35 and older should see an RE after 6 months.
good luck!
My gyno told me to see a RE after 3 months of trying, just b/c I was all worried and stressed out about turning 35. However, we waited until 6 mo. I say the sooner the better if it will give you peace of mind!!
I talked to my gyno after 5 months TTC unsuccessfully and she referred to s a fertility specialist who I saw the next month. Part of why they started my on fertility treatment was that I was 35 and had been charting my temps and cycle lengths each month and ID'ed that my luteal phases were short which suggested either a hormone problem in the luteal phase and/or anvoluation.
So if you've been tracking your cycles so you know when you're ovulating, timing intercourse and not successfully conceiving in a few months, I recommend scheduling an appointment. Can't hurt.
Good luck!