So heres the scoop. They did an MRI this morning and found she has some fluid building up in her head. In a couple hrs they are doing a radiology tap, which basically they will use ultrasound to find the fluid then poke a needle into it and remove some of the fluid. (About 5 oz) then they will test the fluid for infection. If theres an infection hen she will be on IV antibiotics for a week, and then a shunt will be placed. If no infection they will most likely place a permanent shunt tomorrow. That's a short procedure and she will be home Saturday.
So thats what we are hoping for! No infection! And home Saturday!
Re: Madi Update***
Aiden 10.17.07 Emma 07.15.10
Thanks for the update and I will pray there is no infection.
This is so upsetting. I hope everything turns out OK and they can catch a break. I can't imagine.
She'll do awesome. I just feel it!