Babies on the Brain

mrsvk (giner goo ment)

Hey---how did your giner goo turn out?  Did you see your dr?  
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Little Man (4 years old---holy cow)
He's the single greatest thing I've done in my life and reminds me daily of how fun (and funny) life can be.  He's turned out pretty swell for having such a heartless and evil mother.  

Re: mrsvk (giner goo ment)

  • hahaha @ giner goo

    I called them today and they said as long as there's no blood/pink in it and I don't have any cramping, then not to worry. I have an appointment on Wednesday anyway and they will take a culture then to ensure it's not any kind of infection, but since I don't have any other symptoms it can wait until then.

    Thanks for asking.

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