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Yay! J-by
He's such a sweetie
I just WOL'ed.
(that's whimpered out loud.)
What I would caption this photo:
"Buggy, why do you look so angry all the time?"
Such a cutie
Hippo - I cannot believe that you are 26 weeks. Holy crap!
I think he's concerned because the worm is bigger than he is. Just barely though.
He's wondering what that thing is invading his space. What a cutie.
We have that onsie
Mysterious_wife:I love it! IT looks like he is wondering if that thing is going to nibble his face or arm.
Like he's thinking..."Okay, Mom. Not funny."
Re: Because I'm an AW and I want to make sure you see it.
Yay! J-by
He's such a sweetie
FET: Success! Beta at 14dp5dt: 2427 TWINS!!
My Awesome Craft Blog
My other blog
Abraham Arthur 2/21/10 // Asher Kendall 11/11/11
I just WOL'ed.
(that's whimpered out loud.)
What I would caption this photo:
"Buggy, why do you look so angry all the time?"
Such a cutie
Hippo - I cannot believe that you are 26 weeks. Holy crap!
I think he's concerned because the worm is bigger than he is. Just barely though.
He's wondering what that thing is invading his space. What a cutie.
We have that onsie
Like he's thinking..."Okay, Mom. Not funny."