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I guess it's good that my self-esteem rests singularly on the power of my awesome boobs rather than what you all think of my mental status, eh?
::kicks dirt and shuffles away::
pfft, mental prowess.
::chases after fk's boobs::
(I'm just kidding, I ? you for your braaaaaains )
I lurve you for your skillz. IN BED
Re: Good thing.
My Awesome Craft Blog
My other blog
pfft, mental prowess.
::chases after fk's boobs::
(I'm just kidding, I ? you for your braaaaaains )
Baby in a Blue Teapot
Tempest in a Blue Teapot, food and everything else
"You live, you learn, you drink, and move on." ~ Rotty
I lurve you for your skillz. IN BED