Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Childcare costs in Arlington/midcities area

My baby isn't due until Nov, and I won't need childcare until Jan but I want to plan ahead.  My husband and I are planning on having a close friend watch the baby from Jan till June when the school year ends (I teach).  She's a stay at home mom and is really excited to provide this service for us, and we trust her completely.  However, we want to make sure we're paying her a fair amount for all the work. 

That was a long explanation, now on to the actual question.  How much is childcare in the Arlington/midcities area?  Either daycare center or private inhome daycares. 

Thanks ladies!

Re: Childcare costs in Arlington/midcities area

  • We paid 860/month when the kiddo was in the infant room at our daycare center last year. That seemed to be the going rate for most places.
  • Our was $787 a month for an infant
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  • Thanks! This is good to know.  We want to make sure we're paying our friend enough for the area and the work she's doing!
  • I have heard of inhome daycares running anywhere from 125-250 per week. Depends on the friend and how many kids they keep. A daycare I worked at charged 215/week for babies and 175/week for toddlers.

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