
Which shift would you choose?

Mon-Fri, 11:30-8

Sun-Thurs, 9-6

The first one, I've done before (for many years) but it was prekids.  But I LOVED it.  Got my chores done in the mornings, and still felt I was out early enough that I could go out.  Again, pre kids!  :)  Now, the only advantage I can see is that I would only need kid care from 11-6, when Joe got home.  And if my oldest has morning kindergarten, I can get him to it (and I think get him home but I'm not sure of the exact hours and it might end after 11).

With the second one, it would be nice to have Fridays off (only need care for Mon- Thurs then).  BUT Sunday is my fun day....and I don't think I would feel I had much of a weekend since I would really only have Saturday to spend with my husband (and kids, as a family).

I haven't even interviewed so I'm putting the cart before the horse but I have umpteen years experience in a call center (as a lead even and this is entry level) so I'm thinking there is a really good chance I will at least get an interview.

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