Hi girls, had u/s last thurs, there was a heartbeat, and a fetal pole!! which is good, howeva the consultant said that things dont look good as the baby was measuring at 6 weeks and i was 8 weeks, howeva im only 8 weeks now, ( 9 weeks on fri )! I seem to think they have my dates wrong somehow, although we conceived via ivf and the have my lmp at 10 april 2010!!! very confusing and upsetting!!! We go back for another scan next wed to see if the lil one has grown some more!! im so hoping it has, as we ve been trying for 6 years, i ve had no bleeding or spotting at all, and just a few niggling paind a bit like stretching inside!!! i ve been taking it easy since last week and go back to work tommorrow, im scared and just want some reassurance from you other mommys, This is my 1st child by the way!!! Please respond!! xxxxxx
Re: At 8 weeks baby seems small after u/s!!!!
Carina 12.28.2010 | Aurelia 9.23.12 | Chart - Round 3