Babies on the Brain

We totally got K a leash this weekend

And you know what?  He loves it.  He loved his little backpack, he loved being able to walk around the festival, he loved it. 


Plus it made mommy and daddy's life a tad bit easier.


::throws on flame-retardent suit::

Re: We totally got K a leash this weekend

  • The duo are getting theirs before we go to TX next month, since we'll be doing so much out and about and they are in "I HATE THE STROLLER" mode.  Fvck what anyone else thinks about them wearing leashes. 
  • *waits for pics of K on leash*
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  • I refuse to judge you for that because if a leash = a safe baby and happy parents then I am Pro Baby Leash
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  • imageleslie13510:
    The duo are getting theirs before we go to TX next month, since we'll be doing so much out and about and they are in "I HATE THE STROLLER" mode.  Fvck what anyone else thinks about them wearing leashes. 

    K is in this mode too and it is exhausting.

  • I dare you to post pictures of it in use on the tri boards and title it 'to the leash haters...'
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  • imageweelass24:
    *waits for pics of K on leash*

    we got him one similar to this:


    I'll have to get pics of him with it on though.


  • imagejCamsquared:
    I dare you to post pictures of it in use on the tri boards and title it 'to the leash haters...'

    Remind me when I get pics.  i'll totally do it.

  • imagejCamsquared:
    I dare you to post pictures of it in use on the tri boards and title it 'to the leash haters...'

    this would do

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  • ::shrugs:: DS was on a leash a lot at that age. If I tried to hold his hand he would throw himself on the ground and if I put him in the stroller he would scream and convulse. Leash = happy family outing.
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  • Nothin' wrong with a leash when he refuses the stroller! They would rather walk anyways and at least that way you have him within reach and sight. Rock the leash, K!
  • imageJessis62781:

    I dare you to post pictures of it in use on the tri boards and title it 'to the leash haters...'

    Remind me when I get pics.  i'll totally do it.

    Inside text could say 'eat your hearts out.'

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  • Gabe will be wearing one in the airport this weekend.  I'm not taking my stroller, I'll be juggling his diaper bag, a carry on suitcase and a carseat.  The carseat attaches to the carry on so it's a makeshift stroller if necessary, but my plan is to wear his little butt out walking around before we get on the plane.  So he'll be on a leash.
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  • I imagine letting them walk and get tired also equals a very happy mommy and daddy. 

    I think I'll rock the leash at some point in my parenting career. 

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