I've had to call in sick tomorrow because DS has pink eye. AGAIN.
DH and I called every single person we trust to watch him, and no one can do it.
And DH can not get out of work tomorrow. He's got meetings upon meetings that he has to be there for. And no one can replace him.
I need to be at work too because we're doing our provincial testing. It's a "no no" to get a supply to do it, but what the hell else can I do? Bring my kid into school and let him infect my students?
Ugh. I hate this.
Re: I think I'm on my principal's shitlist now
I work in a school too so I know how you feel..
Try not to think about it too much. What else can you do. Bring an MD note if you think that will make you feel better.
At least you're not like some parents I have to call who send their kids to school anyway with contagious conditions because they'd rather have the school nurse call them and "get them out of work" than just call out sick themselves in the first place. Gotta love 'em.
Ugh. I know. I hate those parents too. It infuriates me. But at the same time, I kinda get it too. Weird, huh?
If I start driving now, I can make it there by noon tomorrow.