I have been having a major decrease in my supply over the last month. I EBF when at home but pump 3x a day at work. I went from pumping 18oz a day down to 6oz. I have been talking to my LC and we have tried all sorts of things supplements, teas, oatmeal, lots of water good diet and now she is calling me in a Rx for Reglan. Has anyone been on this? Did it work for you and if so how soon did you notice a change? I'm down to less than 100oz in my freezer stash and having to pull from it every day for at least 2 bottles. I just hope this helps. I really want to make it to a year but I'm glad I've made it at least 6+ months
Re: ? re:low supply & Rx
I noticed no change when using the Reglan. I also tried Domperidone and felt that it helped more than Reglan (though I was never able to get in a full supply). Domperidone is worth a shot for sure, especially if you haven't gotten anywhere with More Milk Plus, fenugreek, blessed thistle, etc. I wouldn't jump to the pharmeceuticals before trying the herbal remedies first, however.
If you do go for Domperidone, PLEASE do not order it on the internet. There is no way to guarantee the purity and effectiveness of drugs ordered off the internet, even from the most commonly used foreign pharmacies. Since it is not FDA approved for use as a galactagogue, what I did was find a compounding pharmacy in my area (you can google for compounding pharmacies; there's a national website with all of the listed by area), and ask if they could give me the name of a doctor that was prescribing Domperidone to lactating mothers. I saw the doc that was recommended, who gave me an Rx and I went back to the compounding pharmacy to fill it. The pharmacy assured me that this is MUCH safer than ordering off the internet - they informed me that the FDA is the entity providing them with the raw materials for the drug, so it's safe.