
New Mommy...and Stressed

Ok, as of today, I'm starting to produce milk, but it's not very much.  Please tell me that my supply will increase over the next few days, or LO is never going to gain weight.  I don't feel engorged or a let down when she eats.  Can it happen over a few days?

Re: New Mommy...and Stressed

  • Usually your milk really comes in between day 4 and day 7. Just keep doing what you're doing. All babies will lose weight and have 2 weeks to gain it back. So long as she doesn't lose more than 10% of her birth weight, she's fine. Don't supplement without being directly advised to do so by a pedi, and even then, make sure the weight is truly an issue and/or jaundice (bili levels) are high enough to really require it. And some women never feel let down. Try not to worry!
  • You will be fine!!! I didn't even know my milk was in for like a whole day and my dd was up to her bith weight by day 8. Just keep putting your baby to your breast as much as possible and he/she will get what they need and it will also help your supply.  Chin up you are doing great!
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  • Don't stress and don't give up.  Like PP's said, put your baby on the breast as much as possible and your supply will increase. 

    I am 1 month into it and it gets easier everyday. 

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  • I have never been engorged, don't feel let down and never leaked more than a drop or two.  My LO is 10 months and still nursing, so those "symptoms" don't mean you won't have enough milk.
  • Mine came in during days 4 & 5. It didn't all happen at once. Like PPs said, just make sure LO is eating, and you should be fine.

    Also, make sure you're eating well & staying hydrated. 

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  • imagePAIrishBride:
    You will be fine!!! I didn't even know my milk was in for like a whole day and my dd was up to her bith weight by day 8. Just keep putting your baby to your breast as much as possible and he/she will get what they need and it will also help your supply.  Chin up you are doing great!

    This! Keep putting your baby to your breast it will help set your supply. The more your baby is at your breast the more milk you will produce.  Also try having 1 beer (dark beer) that will help your milk come in.  Keep your chin up BFing is a challenge at times don't give up after a month or so it gets 200 times better.   

  • congrats!  Your supply will keep coming in and most likely your bb will be like faucets!  hang in there!
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  • Don't worry! Your supply will definitely increase. The more the baby eats, the more milk your body will produce.
  • imagepierogigirl:
    I have never been engorged, don't feel let down and never leaked more than a drop or two.  My LO is 10 months and still nursing, so those "symptoms" don't mean you won't have enough milk.

    Ditto this, minus the 10 month old part :)  I was panicking because I had no signs of my milk coming in and people (the pedi and LC) kept asking if things were going alright and that I was leaking and feeling a letdown.  After posting on here I visited kellymom and found it means nothing if you have none of that.  DD is also a very effective eater.  I was worried she was nursing such short periods (15 mins on one side average - they kept telling me 20 mins on both sides) because there was no milk, but she gained a lb a week 2 weeks in a row and had a dirty diaper every 2 hours or so.  As long as there aren't weight or dehydration concerns I wouldn't worry!

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  • for what it's worth, I never "felt" my milk come in and even though it came in.  I never really noticed engorgement or a full feeling at first like some mom's describe.  But I went on to successfully BF and am still going strong.  Just because you don't feel engorged doesn't mean that your LO isn't getting what they need.  You might be nursing often enough that LO is drinking everything you have and preventing the engorged/full feeling.  Also, I rarely feel letdown too.  Try not to worry but maybe contact a lactation consultant if you're still worried.  They can have you nurse and then weigh LO to see if they're getting full.  Hang in there!  I'm sure you're doing great! Congrats on your new bundle of joy!
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