Alabama Babies


Hey...I can't find the original post but thanks for letting us know about the Remember Nguyen sale. I got a shortall for football season and a longall for Christmas for $30 including shipping! They arrived today!

Re: Lydia

  • Yay! No prob. I love that website... probably my favorite place to get clothes for DD.

    Glad I could help.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
    mmc and d&c at 8.5 weeks - 8/23/2010
    natural m/c and d&c at 10 weeks - 1/24/2014
    DX w/ hetero C677t and A1298C MTHFR - 3/4/2014

  • Me too! I stocked up the day after Thanksgiving and had forgotten to go look there since...I love to get the plain shortalls/longalls and either monogram or get appliques to go on them.
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